

You are here: Iris Wiki>Main/Mdb Web>MdbByYear (26 Nov 2024, BrewItt)Edit Attach

(MDB) By Year of Registration, a 50 year visual history. (under Construction)

Image galleries for other years and classifications

Jump To: 2023; 2022; 2021;

2024 registrations continually added until end of November 2024

'Ankle-Biter' 'Bocca Di Leone' 'Child Of Selardi' 'Clown Car' 'Feeling So Small' 'Good To Be Green' 'Happy To Love' 'Jellyfish' 'Kiddo' 'Lemony Sweets' 'Muszelka' 'Naivete' 'Royal Rascal' 'Screamin' Demon' 'Small Opus' 'Tiny Squire' 'Unikum' 'Xoxo' 'Yokel'

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'Aim True' 'Baroque Festival' 'Bat Masterson' 'Cacao Meravigliao' 'Dibzees' 'I Heart You' 'It's A Snap' 'Little Red Jonni' 'Mini Chip' ‘Mini Stripe’ ‘Neon Flash’ 'Penny Pincher' 'Posey' 'Practical Magic' ‘Pulsating’ 'Rad' 'Thunderegg' 'Tiny Opera'

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'Bear’s Ears' 'Beignet' 'Bighorn' 'Bit Of Pink' 'D River' 'Don’t Blink Twice' 'Enviously Elite' 'Hokie' 'Kiss An Angel' 'Low To The Ground' 'Owyhee Opal' 'Short Jazz Tune' 'Talking Back' 'Tiny Bug' 'Tit For Tat' 'Veleta' 'Yellow Days' 'Zonnetje'

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'Apricot Scone' 'Babelicious' 'Buzz Around' 'Cheepin’ Chick' 'Frodo' 'Fun Size' 'Happy Lights' 'Jada' 'Malé Slunce' 'Myth Buster' 'Past Midnight' 'People Will Talk' 'Picnic Pixie' 'Poisette' 'Purple Praise' 'Quidnunc' 'Rufflelicious' 'Sunny Spirit' 'Swanky Sportster' 'Tiny Shiny' 'Towhead Pixie' 'Tsamiko' 'Tweenie' 'Up Jumped Spring'

Registrations by Decade






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"Although the Encyclopedia is free to all, it is supported by Emembership in AIS, If you would like to help sustain this reference, for $15 you can become an Emember, click here."

Interested in MDB's? Please visit the: Dwarf Iris Society website.

To Report errors do not use comment box but contact the Iris Encyclopedia Photo Manager or Iris Encyclopedia Manager Comment box is reserved for added information about the topic.

Your Observations Are Valued. Please make note of bud count, branching, purple based foliage and bloom time, etc. Because these are affected by climate, note date, year and geographic location and write these and other comments in the comment box below.


-- BobPries - 2011-03-07
Topic revision: r65 - 26 Nov 2024, BrewItt
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