

POSITION TITLE: Bulletin Managing Editor

  • Toserve and act as liaison between the AIS Board of Directors, AIS Guest Editor(s) and publication contractors.

  • He or she is elected by and responsible to the AIS Board of Directors.

  1. Shall be appointed annually by the President of AIS and approved by the Board of Directors.
  2. Shall be a salaried position with a vote on the Board of Directors.
  3. Shall attend all Spring and Fall board meetings to interact during discussion about topics that relate directly or indirectly to Bulletin content.
  4. Shall review Bulletin expenses for general compliance with an annual AIS budget as determined at the annual AIS Fall Board meeting.
  5. Shall present a proposed budget and possible options for discussion at the Fall board meeting.
  6. Shall review and have the authority to edit photos and content of each Bulletin for compliance with AIS policy.
  7. (Situations requiring interpretation of policy may be brought to the Boards attention for clarification.)
  8. May assist the editor(s) in soliciting articles and finding assistant editors to help build an editorial staff.
  9. Shall coordinate with B.E. and assign materials between issues of the bulletin.
Topic revision: r3 - 07 Nov 2011, BobPries
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