POSITION TITLE: Affiliation Chairman

  • To certify Affiliate status of each Society or Chapter submitting an Application for Affiliation with The American Iris Society.

  • He/she is appointed by the President and responsible to the Board of Directors.

  1. To certify affiliated societies/chapters on an annual basis.
  2. To assist in the formation of new affiliated societies/chapters.

  1. To contact the Regional Vice Presidents and submit to them the necessary forms for each affiliated society to apply for renewal of their affiliated status.
  2. To verify that the officers of each society/chapter applying for affiliation are members of The American Iris Society.
  3. To notify the Regional Vice Presidents of the status of each society/chapter that has applied for affiliation (new or continued).
  4. To submit a list of approved affiliated societies/chapters to the following persons:

      • Editor of the Bulletin of The American Iris Society.
      • The AIS MemSec.
      • The Slides Chairman of The American Iris Society.
      • The Exhibitions Chairman of The American Iris Society.
  5. To attend the spring and fall meetings of the Board of Directors of the American Iris Society and to present a written report at each meeting.


Early December
  • Initial contact with Regional Vice Presidents concerning certification of affiliates (new and continued) for the following year.
  • Ø Sends a letter to each RVP along with the following forms:
  • a) One (1) copy of the Application for Affiliation with The American Iris Society for each affiliated society/chapter seeking renewal.
  • b) Two (2) copies of the Application for Affiliation with The American Iris Society for societies/chapters seeking initial affiliation.
  • c) One (1) copy of the RVP Report to Affiliates Chairman for each affiliated society/chapter seeking renewal and two (2) copies for societies/chapters seeking initial affiliation.

February 15
  • Applications for Affiliation with The American Iris Society returned to the Regional Vice President.

March 1
  • RVPs return an Application and RVP Report to Affiliates Chairman for each renewing and new affiliate to the Affiliates Chairman.

April 1
  • Affiliates Chairman notifies each society/chapter that the Application for Affiliation has been approved or rejected. The RVP is also notified.

April 15 (no later than)
  • Affiliates Chairman sends a list of approved affiliates to the Editor of The Bulletin of The American Iris Society. A copy is also sent to the AIS MemSec, AIS Slides Chairman and the AIS Exhibitions Chairman.

Mid-April to late May
  • Attend the spring meeting of the AIS Board of Directors and make a written report. This meeting is concurrent with the AIS National Convention.

First week-end in November
  • Attend the fall meeting of the AIS Board of Directors and make a written report.


  1. (Mtg date: 11/98 Bul. #312-1)
    It was agreed that the (current) Invitation to Join should be free to affiliates.
  2. (Mtg date: 11/98 Bul. #312-1
    It was agreed that AIS restore the use one free set of slides per year to each affiliate.
  3. (Mtg date: 11/98 Bul. #312-1)
    It was agreed that the Affiliate Chairman can accept chapter Co-Presidents as long as both of them, as well as all the other chapter officers, are AIS members in good standing.
  4. (Mtg date: 11/97 Bul. #309-1)
    It was agreed that the 10 AIS member requirement be removed as a necessary requirement to qualify for affiliation.
  5. (Mtg. date: 11/95 Bul. #300-1)
    For clarificationir was stated that affiliates are subscribing members with no vote, as are institutions, libraries, etc.
  6. (Mtg date: 10/94 Bul. #295)
    It was agreed in the interest of economy that when the affiliate listing is printed in The AIS Bulletin that the presidents' names and addresses no longer be included, and a brief announcement be printed referring those who need such information to the Membership Secretary.
Topic revision: r2 - 07 Nov 2011, BobPries
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