Iris Wiki Photo Manager, Terry Laurin
Report photo errors to the Iris Encyclopedia Photo Manager at this current e-mail address
Reporting errors directly insures a faster response. Please do not use the comment box on a page that is reserved for additional information about the topic. When reporting an error be as specific as possible, cite the page you are talking about. "there is an error" is not actionable. If there is a contradiction provide your source. Many errors or in the literature that have been corrected in the wiki.
Thank you for help in maintaining the highest quality information. You are one of the peers in this peer reviewed work.
Any error of all types can be reported to the
Iris Wiki Manager. Please do not post errors in the comment box.
BobPries - 30 Aug 2017
- Hello! I would like to add my photos to some of the hybridizer’s, Stan Dexter, entries. I grow some of his irises in my gardens. -- ChrisI - 06 Feb 2023
Chrisl - Please email Terry directly.
- How do you attach iris photos, such as to Ultra Treat, Dear Min, Nooksack Beauty, Nell’s Surprise and You’ll Love. -- ChrisI - 06 Feb 2023
Chrisl - Please email Terry directly.
- Прошу обратить внимание, чтона странице ириса Адмирал Нахимов Локтева и ириса Ветер Странствий Локтева и ириса Ветер Странствий Локтева представлены фотографии одного и того же цветка со слегка смещённым ракурсом съёмки -- WikiGuest - 27 Mar 2024
- -- WikiGuest - 21 May 2024