

Region 1 1998 Popularity Poll

Region 1 held one of its annual "no-holds-barred-no-class-excluded" balloting which was reported in 1998 for its 50th Anniversary Issue of the Region 1 Bulletin. The top ten (actually eleven because of ties) irises contained an amazing variety of types of irises and a surprising number of past and future medal winners.

1- 'Roaring Jelly' SIB

2- 'Vanity' TB
3- 'Silverado' TB
4- I. cristata Spec

5- 'Serenity Prayer' SDB
6- 'Bumblebee Deelite' MTB
6- 'Carolyn Rose' MTB
6- 'Captive Sun' SDB
6- 'Prairie Glory' JI
6- 'Snow Prince' SIB
6- 'Starwoman' IB


-- WayneMesser - 2015-03-26
Topic revision: r8 - 06 Dec 2020, WayneMesser
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