

Phenology = study of bloom season

A great 19th and 20th century fun project for gardeners was creating a phenology. What is a phenology? It is a record of when something blooms. Gardeners would record in their journals the date and year each plant bloomed. For serious gardeners who wished to create vignettes of several plants blooming at the same time the information was very valuable. After a period of years it was interesting to know whether something was blooming earlier or later that year. Indeed scientists studying global warming are actively seeking out old phenologies to compare with today. It would be greatly appreciated if you can add the date, year, place in the comment section of the wiki for any cultivar you observe. Since there are Irises in bloom every month of the year this information could help one plan a garden that would always have an iris in bloom. For hybridizers it could be helpful in planning their crosses and extending bloom seasons. Enthusiasts of reblooming Irises would naturally profit from such data. As this data acumulates for a cultivar we can have some docents who can organize the data as a box on that page.


-- RobertPries - 2009-10-28
Topic revision: r2 - 12 Jul 2012, BobPries
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