Iris Calendar
There are so many events and deadlines in the iris world that it can be difficult to remember them all. This is the generic version of the calendar. There will be separate calendars for each year containing specifics for that year. For example, the AIS Convention has a different date each year. This generic version indicates the months it is likely to occur. The 2023 Calendar would show the date and location for the 2023 Calendar.
Please add items we may have missed to this or to the calendar for the appropriate year. Note that some types of events have their own pages in the Iris Encyclopedia. See
Regional Fall Meetings, Regional Spring Meetings, and
Iris Shows listings. Also see the AIS website
Convention page for future events. Note as of November 16, 2022: We are in the process of updating this page and some of the links below may not be current. Resources for this page are available at
Iris Calendar Resources.
Note: As of November 18, 2022 the
Iris Calendar for 2023 is available. Please add specifics for events and deadlines to it.
- Annual Affiliation Application begins - this fillable PDF form was used for 2020. See March for additional deadlines.
- Iris Show approval begins. Please submit your show schedule for approval at least 2 months before your show date.
- The list of AIS Judges for the new year will be available.
- AIS Webinars are usually held on the first Wednesday and/or the second Wednesday of the month beginning at 8:30 pm Eastern 5:30 pm Pacific. Details for upcoming webinars will be found on the News page of the AIS website. An invitation and details on registering for the webinar will be emailed the Friday before each webinar.
- AIS Board Teleconferences are held the 4th Wednesday of the month at 8 pm Eastern 5 pm Pacific. Everyone invited! Details for the month's meeting will be found on the News page of the AIS website.
- The AIS Convention may have a registration deadline this month.
- Region 2 Members meet via zoom the second Wednesday of every month at 7:00 pm ET. Some meetings are Board meetings, others are social gatherings where members share experiences, pictures and information. Source Upcoming Region 2 Meetings.
- Check the Spring Regional Meetings list for your Region and other Regions
- The AIS Convention may have a registration deadline this month.
- AIS Webinars are usually held on the first Wednesday and/or the second Wednesday of the month beginning at 8:30 pm Eastern 5:30 pm Pacific. Details for upcoming webinars will be found on the News page of the AIS website. An invitation and details on registering for the webinar will be emailed the Friday before each webinar.
- AIS Board Teleconferences are held the 4th Wednesday of the month at 8 pm Eastern 5 pm Pacific. Everyone invited! Details for the month's meeting will be found on the News page of the AIS website.
- The Spring Regional Meetings continue. Check on your Region and other Regions.
- March 15th - Deadline for club affiliation forms to reach their RVP.
- The AIS Convention may have a registration deadline this month.
- AIS Webinars are usually held on the first Wednesday and/or the second Wednesday of the month beginning at 8:30 pm Eastern 5:30 pm Pacific. Details for upcoming webinars will be found on the News page of the AIS website. An invitation and details on registering for the webinar will be emailed the Friday before each webinar.
- AIS Board Teleconferences are held the 4th Wednesday of the month at 8 pm Eastern 5 pm Pacific. Everyone invited! Details for the month's meeting will be found on the News page of the AIS website.
- March 31st - Deadline for Ackerman Essay entries. Complete details.
- First iris shows begin. See the list of approved 2020 shows by date for details.
- The Spring Regional Meetings continue. Check on your Region and other Regions.
- April 1st - Deadline for club affiliation forms to reach Affiliates Chair from the RVPs.
- April 15th - Confirmation letters sent to affiliates from Affiliates Chair.
- The AIS Convention may have a registration deadline this month.
- AIS Webinars are usually held on the first Wednesday and/or the second Wednesday of the month beginning at 8:30 pm Eastern 5:30 pm Pacific. Details for upcoming webinars will be found on the News page of the AIS website. An invitation and details on registering for the webinar will be emailed the Friday before each webinar.
- AIS Board Teleconferences are held the 4th Wednesday of the month at 8 pm Eastern 5 pm Pacific. Everyone invited! Details for the month's meeting will be found on the News page of the AIS website. Note if there is a Convention this month, the Board meeting will be held there instead.
- Time to begin making your nominations for the honorary awards. Send them to the Honorary Awards Chair.
- Iris shows continue. See the list of approved 2020 shows by date for details.
- The Spring Regional Meetings continue. Check on your Region and other Regions.
- AIS Webinars are usually held on the first Wednesday and/or the second Wednesday of the month beginning at 8:30 pm Eastern 5:30 pm Pacific. Details for upcoming webinars will be found on the News page of the AIS website. An invitation and details on registering for the webinar will be emailed the Friday before each webinar.
- AIS Board Teleconferences are held the 4th Wednesday of the month at 8 pm Eastern 5 pm Pacific. Everyone invited! Details for the month's meeting will be found on the News page of the AIS website. Note if there is a Convention this month, the Board meeting will be held there instead.
- Spring iris shows conclude. See the list of approved 2020 shows by date for details.
- The Spring Regional Meetings conclude. Check on your Region and other Regions.
- AIS Webinars are usually held on the first Wednesday and/or the second Wednesday of the month beginning at 8:30 pm Eastern 5:30 pm Pacific. Details for upcoming webinars will be found on the News page of the AIS website. An invitation and details on registering for the webinar will be emailed the Friday before each webinar.
- AIS Board Teleconferences are held the 4th Wednesday of the month at 8 pm Eastern 5 pm Pacific. Everyone invited! Details for the month's meeting will be found on the News page of the AIS website. Note if there is a Convention this month, the Board meeting will be held there instead.
- June 30th - Deadline for TBIS members to vote for America's Choice Irises
- AIS Webinars are usually held on the first Wednesday and/or the second Wednesday of the month beginning at 8:30 pm Eastern 5:30 pm Pacific. Details for upcoming webinars will be found on the News page of the AIS website. An invitation and details on registering for the webinar will be emailed the Friday before each webinar.
- AIS Board Teleconferences are held the 4th Wednesday of the month at 8 pm Eastern 5 pm Pacific. Everyone invited! Details for the month's meeting will be found on the News page of the AIS website.
- Mid-July - HIPS Plant Sale. Members only and you can join while ordering.
- Mid-July - Aril Society Plant Sale. Members only and you can join while ordering.
- July 31st - The current Judges Reporting year ends and a new one begins August 1st.
- August 1st Deadline - Judges must vote or mail their votes for AIS Iris Awards
- August 1st - Judges Activity Reports must be submitted. Note this may vary by Region.
- August 1st - New Judges Reporting year begins.
- August 1st - Deadline for entries in the AIS Photo Contest.
- August 1st Your votes in the AIS Tall Bearded Symposium are due to your RVP.
- First Fall Regional Meetings are held. Check on your Region and other Regions.
- ~ August 15th announcement of AIS Iris Award Winners in the members electronic newsletter News & Notes and on the AIS News page.
- AIS Webinars are usually held on the first Wednesday and/or the second Wednesday of the month beginning at 8:30 pm Eastern 5:30 pm Pacific. Details for upcoming webinars will be found on the News page of the AIS website. An invitation and details on registering for the webinar will be emailed the Friday before each webinar.
- AIS Board Teleconferences are held the 4th Wednesday of the month at 8 pm Eastern 5 pm Pacific. Everyone invited! Details for the month's meeting will be found on the News page of the AIS website.
- The Fall Regional Meetings continue. Check on your Region and other Regions.
- AIS Webinars are usually held on the first Wednesday and/or the second Wednesday of the month beginning at 8:30 pm Eastern 5:30 pm Pacific. Details for upcoming webinars will be found on the News page of the AIS website. An invitation and details on registering for the webinar will be emailed the Friday before each webinar.
- AIS Board Teleconferences are held the 4th Wednesday of the month at 8 pm Eastern 5 pm Pacific. Everyone invited! Details for the month's meeting will be found on the News page of the AIS website.
- Fall (rebloomer) iris shows are held. See the list of approved shows by date for details.
- Dwarf Iris Society Seed Sale begins in October and continues year-round. Members only and you can join as you order.
- The Fall Regional Meetings continue. Check on your Region and other Regions.
- Iris Society of Australia National Convention is October or November.
- AIS Webinars are usually held on the first Wednesday and/or the second Wednesday of the month beginning at 8:30 pm Eastern 5:30 pm Pacific. Details for upcoming webinars will be found on the News page of the AIS website. An invitation and details on registering for the webinar will be emailed the Friday before each webinar.
- AIS Board Teleconferences are held the 4th Wednesday of the month at 8 pm Eastern 5 pm Pacific. Everyone invited! Details for the month's meeting will be found on the News page of the AIS website.
- New Zealand Iris Society Convention is October or November.
- November 1st - SIGNA seed donations for the SIGNA Seed Exchange should be received by the Seed Exchange Chair.
- The Fall Regional Meetings conclude. Check on your Region and other Regions.
- AIS Webinars are usually held on the first Wednesday and/or the second Wednesday of the month beginning at 8:30 pm Eastern 5:30 pm Pacific. Details for upcoming webinars will be found on the News page of the AIS website. An invitation and details on registering for the webinar will be emailed the Friday before each webinar.
- AIS Board Teleconferences are normally held the 4th Wednesday of the month at 8 pm Eastern 5 pm Pacific. However, because of Thanksgiving, the November meeting may have a different date. Everyone is invited! Details for the month's meeting will be found on the News page of the AIS website. Every third year the November meeting is an in-person meeting.
- Honorary awards are chosen at the November Board meeting.
- AIS Webinars are usually held on the first Wednesday and/or the second Wednesday of the month beginning at 8:30 pm Eastern 5:30 pm Pacific. Details for upcoming webinars will be found on the News page of the AIS website. An invitation and details on registering for the webinar will be emailed the Friday before each webinar.
- AIS Board Teleconferences are held the 4th Wednesday of the month at 8 pm Eastern 5 pm Pacific. Everyone invited! Details for the month's meeting will be found on the News page of the AIS website. There may or may not be a December Teleconference.
- December 31st - Deadline for nominations for the Clarke Cosgrove Memorial Award for Youth Achievement. <link to be added>
WayneMesser - 2014-09-27