International Iris Societies

The Iris Encyclopedia cooperates with Iris societies around the world: Below are Iris Societies that provide information and services to their nations or regions. Each has a page on the Encyclopedia that sends you to their website and/or provides information about their area found in the Encyclopedia.

National or Multinational Iris Societies

Other countries with indigenous Iris Hybridizers.

Other International Cooperating Societies based of Iris Classification

  • Aril Society International (website)
  • Tall-Bearded Iris Society (website)

The National Societies also have working groups specializing in a class of Iris and while these are sections of the main society you can also join only that section:

  • Groups of BIS (The British Iris Society) has both geographic groups and specialist groups
    • The Species Group for those who enjoy growing iris and irid species
    • The Group for Beardless Irises specializing in Japanese, Siberian, Spuria & Pacific Coast along with the other beardless irises and iridaceae
    • The Kent Group drawn from Kent and the surrounding counties
    • West and Midlands Iris Group members living in a wide area covering the Midlands, Wales and its borders
  • Sections of New Zealand Iris Society

Other Plant Societies that also deal with Irises

Their are also Iris Groups on Social Media

Regions/countries That had an iris society but can no longer be found on the internet now-- probably all expired! Does anyone have more information?

  • The Iris Society of Japan (Nihon Iris Kyokai)
  • Belgian Iris Society
  • The Central Iris Society (Moscow)
  • Danish Iris Society
  • The Japanese Iris Society ( Nihon Hanashobu Kyokai )
  • Iris Society of Southern Africa
  • Schweizer Iris-und Lilienfreunde (Swiss iris society)
Topic revision: r17 - 15 Aug 2024, BobPries
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