

Hybridizers By Location

Under Construction

Argentina For table of Argentina Hybridizers see table

Australia For table of Australian Hybridizers see table

Austria For table of Austrian Hybridizers see table

Belgium For table of Belgium Hybridizers see table created by hand

Canada For table of Canada Hybridizers see Canadian Hybridizers

China For table of Chinese Hybridizers see China Hybridizers

Croatia For table of Croatian Hybridizers see Croatian Hybridizers

Czech Republic table of Czech hybridizers see Czech Hybridizers

Denmark Table of Denmark Hybridizers see Denmark Hybridizers

EnglandFor table of English Hybridizers see table

France For table of French Hybridizers see table

Georgia For Table of Georgia Hybridizers see Table, Georgia Hybridizers

Germany For table of German Hybridizers see table

Greece For a table of Greek Hybridizers see Table

Holland For table of Dutch Hybridizers see table

Hungary For table of Hungarian Hybridizers see Table, Hungarian Hybridizers

Israel For table of Israeli Hybridizers see table, Israeli Hybridizers

Italy For table of Italian Hybridizers see table

Japan For table of Japanese Hybridizers see table

Kasakhstan For Table of Kasakhstan Hybridizers see Table of Kasakhstan Hybridizers

Latvia For table of Latvian Hybridizers see Table, Latvian Hybridizers

Lithuania For table of Lithuanian Hybridizers see Table Lithuanian Hybridizers

Netherlands For table of Dutch Hybridizers see table

New Zealand For table of New Zealand Hybridizers see table

Norway for Table of Norwegian Hybridizers/Botanists see Table of Norwegian Hybridizers

Poland For table of Polish Hybridizers see table

Portugal For table of Portuguese Hybridizers see Table of Portuguese Hybridizers

Romania For table of Romanian Hybridizers se Table of Romanian Hybridizers

Russia For table of Russian Hybridizers see table

Scotland For table of Scottish Hybridizers see Table of Scottish Hybridizers

Slovakia For table of Slovak Hybridizers see table

Slovenia For table of Slovenian Hybridizers see Table of Slovenian Hybridizers

Spain For table of Spanish Hybridizers see table

Sweden For table of Swedish Hybridizers see Table of Swedish hybridizers/authors

Switzerland For table of Swiss Hybridizers see table

Ukraine For table of Ukrainian Hybridizers see table

United States Of America for tables of US Hybridizers see Table

Uzbekistan For table of Uzbeck Hybridizers-botanists Uzbek hybridizers-Botanists

Wales For table of Welsh Hybridizers see Table of Welsh Hybridizers

  1. Searches for country often give too many extraneous results see Switzerland search, see this search: Note: When you follow that Switzerland search link, click the "in current web" box under the search box to find the entries 22 entries but only 11 entries apply as of Sept. 13, 2024).
  2. Searches have the advantage of capturing all results that may not have yet been entered by hand on the tables for each page but also give extra low relevant results.


-- WayneMesser - 2015-12-14
Topic revision: r50 - 28 Sep 2024, WayneMesser
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