Daily Iris Puzzle

See also: Iris Jigsaw Puzzles

Below is the Daily Iris Puzzle which ran during the pandemic from April 1, 2020 to December 31, 2021. It includes over 600 iris related images in more than 1300 jigsaws.

What else might AIS do to help members, clubs, Regions, and Sections during these extraordinary times? We would really like to hear what you think! How might we assist you?

One thing we all can do is reach out to others. Check in with our iris and other friends and share with them what is happening. We've all seen some of the creative ways that people are doing this. With or without the assistance of new technology. Stay safe and let us know what you are doing!

And now, something to help you relax. Your Daily Iris Puzzle. With both a Standard version (about 55 pieces, no rotation) and a Harder version (about 110 pieces, no rotation) followed by a link to the Iris Encyclopedia entry for the iris. Also, you can see the assembled photos of the 20 most recent puzzles here.


-- WayneMesser - 02 Apr 2020
Topic revision: r641 - 02 Aug 2024, BobPries
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