Culture of Iris lactea

This is one of the most common wild Irises all across China. The diversity of habitats it can find acceptable is great. It should pose few problems with normal garden culture in almost any region. Full sun, a good well drained soil may be its only requirements. Because of this it is often encountered in seed exchanges and grows easily from seed.

There are a number of mysteries still associated with these plants. It is still not settled whether we are dealing with a single species or perhaps up to four different species that are very similar. All the varieties need to be grown in a number of climates to really understand what we have.

Some variations are noted for forming almost a cushion of leaves anly a few inches high with the flowers just above. This has been seen at Denver Botanical Gardens elevation a mile high and rainfall below 10 inches. But the same plants in a more moderate climate may loose this appealing form and grow much taller with flowers in the foliage. Some varieties in Denver were also tall and bring into question whether they are even the same species. Your growing conditions may strongly effect different variations in different ways and there is a need to have many reports back from gardeners to sort this out. Please add you experiences.


-- BobPries - 2009-11-03
Topic revision: r2 - 29 May 2014, BobPries
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