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2015 AIS Convention - Portland, Oregon May 18-23

The 2015 AIS Convention in Portland, Oregon is "Iris in Wonderland'. The website with the schedule and registration information is here.

Convention Iris Tours

There are six iris gardens with tours during the convention. Here are videos of a couple of the gardens to help you prepare.

Thank you to Tom Bruce for sharing these videos with us.

Siberian & Species Convention - May 24-25

Following the AIS Convention, Portland is hosting the Siberian & Species Convention "Another Day in the Garden". This video shows Siberian irises from Aitken's Salmon Creek Garden and Mt Pleasant Iris Farm, two of the gardens on tour at this convention and also the AIS Convention. Thank you again to Tom Bruce.


-- WayneMesser - 2015-01-29
Topic revision: r4 - 29 Jan 2015, waynemesser
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