An Iris of essentially a single color. If the falls and standards are of the same color the Iris will usually be called a self even if there may be haft marks, shoulders, or beards that vary from the primary color.
To view other color patterns
Color Codes; *
The 1949 classification system had codes in which the first letter designated the color and a number 1 indicating a self, example B1. All selfs were number 1. But the prior 1939 classification system while also using the first letter to designate the primary color, it indicated secondary colors by the numbers 1 for bluetones; 4 for yellow tones and 7 for redtones. The 1949 classification used 4 for bicolors not selfs and did not include a 7. One can see how the two systems could be confused and it appears later irises were sometimes classed by the earlier code system. Today we abandon the use of these codes and simply use the terms for the various patterns; self, bicolor, etc. You may view galleries of Iris prior to 1949 sorted by color codes and later irises sorted by the 49 revision
Modern selfs (1980-present)
Examples of Recent Selfs
BobPries - 2010-09-09