

Subseries Sibiricae (Diels) L.W.Lenz

1976, Botanical author Lenz

Subseries Sibiricae ( Diels ) L.W.Lenz. (Lee W. Lenz, Aliso 8(4): 381 (1976).) One of two subseries in the SectionLimniris, Series Sibericae. This subseries has three species all of which have 52 chromosomes as opposed the the Series Chrysographes whose members have mostly 40 chromosomes and one with 38 chromosomes. This is the Subseries that has produced most of the garden siberians. It includes Iris sanguinea, Iris sibirica, and Iris typhifolia. It is possible that the little known Iris phragmitetorum is also in this group.


-- BobPries - 2010-02-10
Topic revision: r4 - 21 Nov 2013, BobPries
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