

Series Vernae (Diels) Lawrence

1930, Botanical author Diels …..........related links… Botanical Classification

A series in the Section Limniris.

Series Vernae (Diels) Lawrence: A group of plants within the section Limniris inhabiting woodlands of the Southeast USA and having three cornered capsules, and globose seeds with a fleshy appendage. Diels in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. Aufl. (1930); G.H.M. Lawrence in "A reclassification of the genus Iris" in Gentes Herbarium 8:346 (1953), New York. Noted as Ver. in registrations. Represented by a single species.
Wu & Cutler (1984) suggest, based on leaf anatomy, that Iris verna is something of a misfit in the section Limniris, exhibiting characteristics similar to the more primitive Lophiris.
Iris verna L.
  • var. verna Fernald
  • var. smalliana Fernald


-- BobPries - 2010-02-11
Topic revision: r2 - 12 Jan 2012, BobPries
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