Series Unguiculares (Diels) Lawrence A group of plants within the section Limniris inhabiting the Mediterranean and Black Sea region. they are low plants with perianth tubes relatively long (6-16 cm) and style branches with golden glands on the margins. Diels in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. Aufl. (1930); G.H.M. Lawrence in "A reclassification of the genus Iris" in Gentes Herbarium 8:346 (1953), New York. Noted as UNG in registrations. Davis, A. P., & S.T. Jury in "A taxonomic review of Iris L. series Unguiculares (Diels) Lawrence", Botanical Journal of the Linnaean Society 103(3): 281-300 (1990). Two species; Iris lazica Albov Iris unguicularis Poiret.
-- BobPries - 2010-02-18