

Section Oncocyclus

1914 Dykes

Oncocyclus (The term was first used by Siemssen as the Genus Oncocyclus in 1846 in Botanische Zeitung. The Baker raised it to a subgenus in 1877, than Dykes lowered it to a section in 1914.

related links;.............. Botanical classification

A Section within the Subgenus Iris . Oncocyclus literally means a swollen circle and refers to the fleshy aril on the seeds of these plants. The Section Oncocyclus is one of the larger sections of Genus Iris and includes the following species:
Iris acutiloba , Iris antilibanotica _Iris assadiana_, Iris atrofusca ,
_Iris atropurpurea_ , _Iris auranitica_Sherwin Wright, _Iris barnumae_ , Iris basaltica ,
Iris bismarkiana , _Iris bostrensis_, _Iris cedreti_Cerdretii, _Iris damascena_,
_Iris gatesii_, _Iris haynei_, _Iris hermona_Bulbous Iris, _Iris heylandiana_,
_Iris iberica_, _Iris kirkwoodii_, _Iris lortetii_, _Iris mariae_,
_Iris meda_. Iris nectarifera , _Iris nigricans_, _Iris paradoxa_,
_Iris petrana_, _Iris sari_, _Iris sofarana_, _Iris sprengeri_,
_Iris swensoniana_, _Iris westii_, Iris yebrudii .
The above are the species recognized by A Guide to Species Irises The Identification and Cultivation published by the British Iris Society.

Other names associated with Section Oncocyclus are:
_Iris susiana_ which has disappeared in Nature,
and the following That the BIS consider to be hybrids:
_Iris camillae_, Iris annae , _Iris grossheimii_, Iris jordana ,
Iris kazachensis , _Iris koenigi_, _Iris schelkownikowii_, Iris sinistra ,
Iris tatianae , Iris zuvandicus .

For cultivation of Oncocyclus

With so many species the Oncocyclus have been sorted by Gavrilenko into the folowing series:

Further reading about Oncocyclus: Foster in The Garden 1893

For Literature on Oncocyclus in the Library.



-- BobPries - 2010-02-01
Topic revision: r19 - 23 Nov 2021, BobPries
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