Iris Classes

Irises are divided into a number of classes by AIS for garden judging. As such they compete for different medals and are supported by different AIS Sections or Cooperating Societies. The winners of each award then compete for the following three years for the American Dykes Medal which is available to all classes of iris.

Bearded Irises
Class Award Section
Tall Bearded Wister Medal Tall Bearded Iris Society
Border Bearded Knowlton Medal Median Iris Society
Intermediate Bearded Sass Medal Median Iris Society
Miniature Tall Bearded Williamson-White Medal Median Iris Society
Standard Dwarf Bearded Cook-Douglas Medal Median Iris Society
Miniature Dwarf Bearded Caparne-Welch Medal Dwarf Iris Society
Aril or Arilbred White Medal for aril or arilbred with 1/2 or more aril complement Aril Society International
Arilbred Mohr Medal for arilbred with less than 1/2 aril complement Aril Society International

Beardless Iris
Class Award Section
Japanese Payne Medal Society for Japanese Irises
Louisiana DeBaillon Medal Society for Louisiana Irises
Pacific Coast Native Mitchell Medal Society for Pacific Coast Native Irises
Siberian Morgan-Wood Medal Society for Siberian Irises
Spuria Eric Nies Medal Spuria Iris Society
Species Founders of SIGNA Medal Species Iris Group of North America
Species Cross Randolph-Perry Medal Species Iris Group of North America

Other Properties
Class Property Section
All Historic >30 years since introduction Historic Iris Preservation Society
All Reblooming Reblooming Iris Society
All Novelty Novelty Iris Society


-- WayneMesser - 2016-11-20
Topic revision: r20 - 13 Aug 2019, WayneMesser
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