The German Perennials Society (Gesellschaft der Staudenfreunde (GdS) Iris-Fachgruppe) Iris Group, Awards 2012

2012 Awards:
I r i s - Competition-Results 2012 …................................. TB:G. Dathe / SDB: F. Kathe
Competition years 2011 and 2012: (Addition points -maximum = 150 )

German hybridizer - GdS-members

1. d58 117,9--- 'Miltitzer Tanzparty' --- Margitta Herrn, Leipzig - GdS-Gold Medal and certificate

2. d27 111,3--- seedling #106/3 --- Bernhard Lesche, Jena - GdS-Silver Medal and certificate

3. d25 107,3--- seedling #83/1 --- Bernhard Lesche, Jena - GdS-Bronce-Medal and certificate

Runners up:

International hybridizer:

1. d51 115,6--- 'Bel Avenir' ---Richard Cayeux, France, GdS-Gold-Medal and certificate

2. d35 115,0--- 'Certe Notti' --- Augusto Bianco, Italia, GdS-Silver-Medal and certificate

3. d43 112,6--- seedling #04/1635-1 --- Anton Mego, Slovakia, GdS-Bronce-Medal and certificate

Runners up:
2012 judging up to 50 points - only blossoms, form, beauty whole plant ( planted in 2010 )

German hybridizer - GdS-members:

1. c11 43,1 ---seedling #26/04/7 --- Guenter Diedrich, Halberstadt, „Gr. v. Zeppelin-WP" u. GdS-certificate

Runners up:

International hybridizer:

1. c47 40,6--- 'Jacques Cœur' --- Richard Cayeux, France - GdS-Silver-Medal and certificate Urkunde

Runners up:
SDB-Iris: Additional results: 1. and 2. judging year 2011 and 2012 (planted 2010)

1. No.148 151,5--- 'Maientanz' --- Frank Kathe, Dresden - GdS-Goldmedal and certificate

Runners up:

1. judging year 2012 (gepflanzt 2011)

1. No.156 65,5--- seedlg. Z 2010/9 --- Dirk Nachtweide, Magdeburg, - GdS-Silvermedal and certificate

Runners up:
  • 159 65,3--- seedlg. 568/3 - Frank Kathe, , Dresden
  • 64,8--- seedlg. 512/1 - Frank Kathe, Dresden
  • 62,8--- seedlg. 2010/7 --- Dirk Nachtweide, Magdeburg
  • 57,8--- seedlg. 473/1-3 - Frank Kathe, Dresden
  • 56,8--- seedlg. P001 - H.-J. Peterlein, Fredersdorf
  • 54,5--- seedlg. Poo2 - H.-J. Peterlein, Fredersdor
  • 50,7--- seedlg. Poo3 - H.-J. Peterlein, Fredersorf


-- BobPries - 2012-10-05
Topic revision: r7 - 30 May 2024, AlainFranco
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