

FRANCIRIS® - since 2000

French international biennal competition organised by the Société Française des Iris et plantes Bulbeuses. See: SFIB.
franciris Paris.jpg
Franciris 2024

Locations: Jardins de Brocéliande, Bréal-sous-Montfort, Ille-et-Vilaine (2000); Jardins du Tecomah, Jouy en Josas, Yvelines (2005, 2007, 2011); Parc Floral de Paris (since 2015).

Franciris: 2000 2005 2007 2011 2015 2017 2019 2022 2024
Franciris® 2000 - 1st prize (Photo Lawrence Ransom)Franciris® 2005 - 1st prize (Photo SFIB)Franciris® 2007 - 1st prize (Photo Sylvain Ruaud)Franciris® 2011 - 1st prize (Photo SFIB)Franciris® 2015 - 1st prize (Photo SFIB)Franciris® 2017 - 1st prize (Photo SFIB)Franciris® 2019 - 1st prize (Photo SFIB)Franciris® 2022 - 1st prize (Photo SFIB)Franciris® 2024 - 1st prize (Photo SFIB)

Franciris 2000

Jury: Paolo Gambassini (president, IT); Koen Engelen (BE); Michel Bourdillon, Annie Brunel, Odile Perrier (FR).
1st prize: 'Samsara' (Ramson, 1996). 2nd prize: 'Mer Du Sud' (Cayeux, 1997). 3rd prize: 'Damoiselle' (Ramson, 1997). 4: 'Claude Louis Gayrard' (Ransom, 1996). 5: 'Massalia' (Anfosso, 1995). 6: 'Marie Kalfayan' (Ransom, 1997). 7: 'Coup De Cœur' (Anfosso, 1986). 8: 'Coup De Foudre' (Ransom, 1994). 9: 'Feu Du Ciel' (Cayeux, 1993). 10: 'Révolution' (Anfosso, 1989). 11: 'Désiris' (Ransom, 1994). 12: 'Carmagnole' (Anfosso, 1989). 13: Sdlg 95-41, 'Montélimar' (Laporte, 2006). 14: Sdlg 95-16, 'Soleillade' (Laporte, 2006).
Most original variety: 'Samsara' (Ramson). Most fragrant variety: 'Mer Du Sud' (Cayeux). Most attractive variety: 'Feu Du Ciel' (Cayeux).
Public criterium, millennium iris: 'Provençal' (Cayeux 1978).
See more: IRIS et BULBEUSES n° 137, été 2000, pp. 06-09.

Franciris 2005

Jury: E; Roy Epperson (president, US); Gisela Dathe (DE); Valeria Romoli (IT); Jérôme Boulon, Sylvain Ruaud (FR).
Philippe de Vilmorin award
1st prize: 'Bye Bye Blues' (Sutton, 1996). 2nd prize: 'Chariots Of Fire' (Aitken, 2000). 3rd prize: 'Got Milk' (Aitken, 2002). 4: 'Finnigan's Finagling Factor' (Stetson, 2004). 5: 'Gwennaden' (Madoré, 2001). 6: 'Diabolique' (Schreiner, 1997). 7: 'Buisson De Roses' (Cayeux, 1997). 8: 'Dandy Candy' (Ernst, 2001). 9: 'Nehalem Bay' (Schreiner, 2002). 10: 'Crackling Caldera' (Aitken, 2003); 'Slovak Sapphire' (Mego, 2003). 12: 'Sunset Point' (Sutton, 2001). 13: 'Pretty Edgy' (Blyth, 2003).
Banque Populaire Val de France award, best blue bitone: 'Finnigan's Finagling Factor'. SNHF award, best French variety: 'Gwennaden'. Jacques de Givry Editions award, most fragrant variety: 'Pretty Edgy'. SIAVB award, public award: 'World Premier' (Schneider, 1998). Press award: 'Finnigan's Finagling Factor'. Flowered cities award: 'Chariots Of Fire'. Tecomah prize: 'Finnigan's Finagling Factor'.
See more: IRIS et BULBEUSES n° 155-156, 2006, pp. 04-11.

Franciris 2007

1st prize: "Solovinaya Noch" (Miroshnichenko, not registered). 2nd prize: ''Mamy Framboise' (Fur, 2004). 3rd prize: 'Italian Ice' (Cadd, 2000).
SNHF award, best French variety: 'Mamy Framboise' (Fur). SFIB award, best tricolour variety: 'Morgat' (Madoré, 2005). Banque Populaire Val de France award, best blue bitone: 'Airforce One' (G. Sutton, 2001). Jacques de Givry Editions award, most fragrant variety: 'Arcobaleno' (Mostosi, 2003). SIAVB award, public award: 'Toréro' (Cayeux, 2003); note: 2009 awarded.
See more: IRIS et BULBEUSES n° 158, 2008, p. 38.

Franciris 2011

Jury: Valeria Rosseli (president, IT); Kathy Chilton (US); Sergey Loktev (RU); Loïc Tasquier (NL); Jérôme Boulon (FR).
1st prize, Phillipe de Vilmorin: 'Aleutian Islands' (M. Sutton, 2008). 2nd prize, Jouy-en-Josas city: 'Échirolles' (Laporte, 2011). 3rd prize: 'Danube Du Barry' (Vasquez-Poupin, 2009).
Jascques de Givry award, most fragrant variety: seedling 060402 (Jacob). SNHF award, best French variety: seedling 2000 (Laporte). Horticultural Press Jury award 'Fay's Oscar' (Beeman by Cadd, 2004), 'Cheremosh' (Khorosh, 2004) ties.
See more: IRIS et BULBEUSES n° 161, 2011, pp. 07-09.

Franciris 2015

Jury: Kathy Chilton (president, US); Augusto Bianco (IT); Jill Bonino (US); Zdeneck Zeidl (CZ); Sylvain Ruaud (FR).
Grand-Prix Vilmorin - 1st prize: 'Barbe Noire' (Cayeux, 2012). 2nd prize: 'Cielo Alto' (Garanzini, 2015). 3rd prize: 'Clotho's Web' (Mego, 2009). 4: 'Clignotant' (Boivin, 2015). 5: 'Nuage De Lait' (Boivin, 2015), "Lune De Miel", registered as 'Fruit De La Passion' (Boivin, 2015). 7: 'Villa Erba' (Cayeux, 2013). 8: sdlg AM 07-2977-11, 'Guardian's Fire' (Mego, 2016). 9: 'Fall Symphony' (Montanari, 2011); 10: 'Braises Incandescentes' (Chapelle, 2013).

SNHF award, best French Hybridizers - 1st prize: Richard Cayeux. 2nd prize: Stéphane Boivin. 3rd prize: Alain Chapelle.
Most fragrant iris, awarded by the Society of Perfumers - 'Cielo Alto' (Garanzini).
Best garden irises, awarded by the SFIB - 1st prize: 'Cielo Alto' (Garanzini). 2nd prize: 'Barbe Noire' (Cayeux).
Public award - 1st prize: 'Barbe Noire' (Cayeux). 2nd prize: 'Ferragosto' (Montanari, 2009). 3rd prize: 'Caresse D'Un Soir' (Chapelle,2010).
See more: IRIS et BULBEUSES n° 165, 2015, pp. 07-12.

Franciris 2017

Jury: Hooker Nichols (president, US); Igor Khorosh (UA); Gerry Snyder (US); Denis Lohez, Jérôme Boulon (FR).
1st prize: 'Chachar' (Seidl, 2013). 2nd prize: 'High Desert (Keppel, 2014). 3rd prize: 'Midnight Velvet' (Johnson, 2013), seedling 06-2155-2 (Mego). 5: 'Blackbird Tears' (Poole, 2014). 6: 'Cigarillo' (Cayeux, 2014). 7: 'Me Pizzica' (Bianco, 2017); 8: 'Outcaste' (Smith, 2010). 9: 'Swedish Lullaby' (Keppel, 2015), seedling 157-G, 'Marceline Lyna' (Remy, 2022).

Gladys Clarke award, best French irises - 1st prize: 'Cigarillo'. 2nd prize: seedling 157-G, 'Marceline Lyna'. 3rd prize: 'Aime Bay' (Boivin, 2015). 4: 'Martingale' (Cancade, 2014). 5: seedling 10-01-21 (Boivin).
Ville de Paris award, public vote - 1st prize: 'Ogar' (Seidl, 2014). 2nd prize: 'Aime Bay'. 3rd prize: 'Florentine Velvet' (Montanari, 2015). 4: 'Voyager' (Filardi, 2011). 5: seedling 06-2155-2 (Mego).
Lawrence Ransom award, 3 most flowering irises - 'Blackbird Tears', 'Me Pizzica', seedling 06-2155-2.
SFIB award, most fragrant iris - seedling 10-71-GR3 (Chapelle).
See more: IRIS et BULBEUSES n° 167, 2017, pp. 02-10.

Franciris 2019

Jury: Andy Rivarola (US); Fritz Lehmann (DE); Lorena Montanari (IT); Gary White (US); Jérôme Boulon (FR).
Philippe de Vilmorin award
1st prize: 'My Red Drums' (Balland, 2016). 2nd prize: 'Marry The Night' (Johnson, 2017). 3rd prize: seedling NB 13-23-01, 'Beauté De Sologne' (Bourdillon, 2020). 4: 'Church Lady' (Burseen, 2017). 5: 'Locomotion' (Johnson, 2017). 6: seedling NB 14-34-01 'Fragrance Des Sables' (Bourdillon, 2020). 7: 'Mixed Signals' (Keppel, 2016). 8: 'Belle Fille' (Smith, 2015). 9: 'Howla Pena' (Burseen, 2017). 10: 'Luminager' (Stout, 2016).

Gladys Clarke award, best French irises - 1st prize: 'My Red Drums'. 2nd prize: 'Beauté De Sologne'. 3rd prize: 'Fragrance Des Sables'.
Lawrence Ramson award, best garden plants - 1st prize: 'Locomotion'. 2nd prize: 'Marry The Night'. 3rd prize: seedling NB 13-23-01,'Beauté De Sologne'.
Public award - 1st prize: 'Locomotion'. 2nd prize: seedling NB 14-34-01, 'Fragrance Des Sables'. 3rd prize: 'Church Lady'.
SFIB award, most fragrant iris: seedling NB 14-34-01, 'Fragrance Des Sables'.
Horticultural press award: 'Locomotion'.
Children award: 'Church Lady'.
Florists award - 1st prize: 'Désert D'Atacama' (Laporte, 2018). 2nd prize: 'Aloha Spirit' (Ghio, 2017).
See more: IRIS et BULBEUSES n° 169, 2019, pp. 02-07.

Franciris 2022

Note: 2021 contest was postponed,due to covid 19.
Jury: Richard Cayeux (president, FR); Etienne Nouwen (BE); Laure Anfosso, Florence Darthenay (FR).
Philippe de Vilmorin award
1st prize: 'Nad Oblaky' (Seidl, 2019). 2nd prize: seedling 16-36-04, 'Les Avenières' (Boivin, 2023). 3rd prize: 'Sylvain Ruaud' (Balland, 2018). 4: 'Secret Land' (Piatek, 2020). 5: 'Santa Cruz Surf' (Ghio, 2019). 6: seedling 2-12A, 'Parfum Parisien' (Montanari, 2022). 7: 'Szlachcic' (Piatek, 2019). 8: seedling 12-12E, 'Grand Mûrier' (Cancade, 2022). 9: 'Maggese' (Bianco, 2017). 10: 'Calabrone' (Bianco, 2018).

Gladys Clarke award, 3 best French irises - 1st prize: seedling 16-36-04, 'Les Avenières'. 2nd prize: 'Sylvain Ruaud'. 3rd prize: seedling 12-12E, 'Grand Mûrier'.
Lawrence Ransom award, most spectacular tufts - 1st prize: 'Maggese'. 2nd prize: 'Sylvain Ruaud'. 3rd prize: 'Szlachcic'.
SFIB award, most fragrant iris and French Horticultural Press Award: seedling 2-12A, 'Parfun Parisien'.
Public award - 1st prize: seedling 16-36-04, 'Les Avenières'. 2nd prize: 'Nad Oblaky'. 3rd prize: seedling 2-12A, Parfum Parisien'.
See more: IRIS et BULBEUSES n° 172, 2022, pp. 02-05.

Franciris 2024

Jury: Sofia Cavini (president, IT); Jody Nolin (US); Claire Schneider (US); ; Anton Mego (SK); Jérôme Boulon (FR).
Philippe de Vilmorin award
1st prize: 'Hatshepsout'. 2nd prize: 'Behind The Rainbow'. 3rd prize: 'Prince Timeo'. 4: 'Ignite The Light'. 5: 'Léon C'est Moi'. 6: 'Embrouillamini'. 7: "Zone 51" (Habert, N.R.). 8: 'A Le Car'; 'Grays Peak'. 9: 'Douceur Tardive'. 10: seedling Remy JLR 666-J.

Gladys Clarke award, best French iris - 'Hatshepsout'.
Best commercial plant - 'Prince Timeo'.
Best spectacular branch - 'Piacione'.
Most original - 'Behind The Rainbow'.
SFIB award, most fragrant iris - 'Rose De Porcelaine'.
Public award - 1st prize: 'In Rosa Per Caso'. 2nd prize: - seedling Garanzini AG 6217-4; 'Nativi Dell Amazzonia'. 3rd prize: 'A Le Car'; 'Hatshepsout'.

Interested in French irises ? Please visit: Société Française des Iris et plantes Bulbeuses - SFIB | website (french language).


-- BobPries - 2010-02-25
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
2000_samsara.jpgjpg 2000_samsara.jpg manage 116 K 30 Dec 2023 - 10:53 AlainFranco Franciris® 2000 - 1st prize (Photo Lawrence Ransom)
2005_bye-bye-blues.jpgjpg 2005_bye-bye-blues.jpg manage 168 K 30 Dec 2023 - 10:54 AlainFranco Franciris® 2005 - 1st prize (Photo SFIB)
2007_solovinayia-noch.jpgjpg 2007_solovinayia-noch.jpg manage 304 K 30 Dec 2023 - 10:56 AlainFranco Franciris® 2007 - 1st prize (Photo Sylvain Ruaud)
2011_aleutian-islands.pngpng 2011_aleutian-islands.png manage 217 K 30 Dec 2023 - 11:00 AlainFranco Franciris® 2011 - 1st prize (Photo SFIB)
2015_barbe-noire.jpgjpg 2015_barbe-noire.jpg manage 164 K 30 Dec 2023 - 11:03 AlainFranco Franciris® 2015 - 1st prize (Photo SFIB)
2017_chachar.jpgjpg 2017_chachar.jpg manage 31 K 31 Dec 2023 - 15:32 AlainFranco Franciris® 2017 - 1st prize (Photo SFIB)
2019_red-drums.pngpng 2019_red-drums.png manage 184 K 31 Dec 2023 - 15:33 AlainFranco Franciris® 2019 - 1st prize (Photo SFIB)
2022_nad-oblaky.jpgjpg 2022_nad-oblaky.jpg manage 15 K 31 Dec 2023 - 15:33 AlainFranco Franciris® 2022 - 1st prize (Photo SFIB)
2024_hatshepsout.jpgjpg 2024_hatshepsout.jpg manage 65 K 24 May 2024 - 13:29 AlainFranco Franciris® 2024 - 1st prize (Photo SFIB)
franciris_Paris.jpgjpg franciris_Paris.jpg manage 124 K 24 May 2024 - 13:48 AlainFranco Franciris 2024, Parc Floral de Paris - France
Topic revision: r31 - 08 Dec 2024, AlainFranco
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