

About QR Codes

QR Code is registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED.

Quick Response (QR) codes allow a mobile device to read a code on printed hardcopy and send someone to a URL (webpage).

You can create a QR code Easily

Many Browsers Chrome, Microsoft Edge, etc. Now make it easy to create a QR code. Just go to the page on the wiki you would like to reference and right click your mouse. A drop down menu appears that offers a choice for creating a QR code for that page. Download it and print it on whatever hard copy you please!

QR code Ideas!

Garden Labels Notably if one has a QR code printed on a label for a plant in a garden, someone viewing the plant can use their cell phone to read the QR label and see that cultivar's page in the Encyclopedia.

Iris Sales and auctions Make your Iris sales more succesful by including a picture from the wiki and a QR code that takes them to the cultivar page

Iris Shows Add a QR code to your category signs for the particular classification signs. Example; Go to the Web Home for SDBs and create a QR code of the SDB web home page. This QR code gives an explanation of what is an SDB.

Send us some pictures of how you are using QR codes

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QR Code for Main Page

This QR code may be copied and pasted onto labels or literature to bring people to the Main Page.


-- BobPries - 2016-01-18
Topic revision: r6 - 17 Jul 2022, BobPries
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