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AIS Publications

The American Iris Society and its Sections have published a number of books and booklets featuring irises, irisarians, and their history. You can find these in the AIS Storefront or shops on the various Section websites. They are collected here to make them easier to find.

BASIC IRIS CULTURE Booklet: (new version of the booklet with color pictures) - to view a sampling of the contents pages of this item please click here: Basic Iris Culture Booklet Price: $7.00 each USA, Canada $8.00; International $10.00. AIS Storefront.

DREAM GARDENER: PIONEER NURSERYMAN BERTRAND H. FARR by George Edmonds. (Limited Supply) revised price: $20.00 each USA, Canada $25.00, International $36.00. AIS Storefront.

The Eric Nies Chronicle published by The American Iris Society. The book contains biographical information, writings by and about Eric Nies, interviews with people who knew him personally, his hybridizing records, and a bibliography. It is 103 pages with black-and-white and color photographs. Cost is $35.00. Spuria Iris Society.

INVESTIGATING IRISES by Prof. Maretta Colasante. Groups together articles translated from Italian, French, and German into English with comments by Professor Colasante to update the information. It represents a data resource for a wider audience to improve and unify the knowledge of Irises. The aim of this work concerns the collection of information about Irises from different fields of investigation, and has been carried out for many years in different countries by various experts and Iris lovers. It represents a new model of contribution to the knowledge of the 'Iris world'. The price is $9.95 plus shipping & handling. SIGNA new publications page.

The Louisiana Iris: The Taming of a Native American Wildflower, Second Edition Hardcover: 211 pages (116 color images) book dimensions: 10.3 x 7.4 inches * Publisher: Timber Press 2nd edition ISBN: 0881924776 Price: $30.00 USA, Canada $33.00; International $37.00. AIS Storefront. Also Society for Louisiana Irises Storefront.

Louisville Hybridizers of the Past by Robert Strohman. A compilation of articles originally published in the Louisville Area Iris Society bulletin, Louisville, Kentucky. $6.00 plus shipping & handling. HIPS Shop - Reference Materials.

MARIE CAILLET (1915-2010) – A special publication by the Society of Louisiana Iris honoring Marie Caillet. Price: $18.00 each USA, Canada and International $21.00. AIS Storefront. Also Society for Louisiana Irises Storefront.

MEDIAN IRIS SOCIETY 50TH ANIVERSARY HISTORY EDITION OF THE MEDIANITE. Price (includes S&H): USA $25.00, Canada $28.00, International $30.00. AIS Storefront.

A NEW SYSTEM OF THE GENUS IRIS by Dr. George Rodionenko. This brand new publication tells of some of the early experiences of Dr. Rodionenko and his studies and observations of the Genus Iris in the wild for over 50 years. It not only offers a new insight into how the genus has expanded but gives the most in depth observances and history of Dr. Rodionenko himself. His conclusions will hopefully provoke a great deal of work on the part of other scientists. This book sells for $9.95 plus shipping & handling. SIGNA new publications page.

Species Manual An Introductory Guide to Species Iris and SIGNA This booklet contains chapters on some easy iris species, hand pollination, seed saving, registering an iris, irises for the shade, a beginners guide to taxonomy, on-line resources, a commercial directory, and much more. Price is only $5 including postage for members of SIGNA. Non-members will be asked for additional postage. SIGNA manual page.

A Study of Pogoniris Varieties by W.W. Sand is now back in print and available in the HIPS shop for only $14.00. This classic reference from 1926 is spiral-bound with two color plates. You'll find it in the Reference Materials area of the HIPS Shop:

The World of Irises: Highly recommended! 32 pages of full color. Edited by Warburton and Hamblen, 34 contributors and authors including international authorities. Published in 1978, a most authoritative book on all phases of irises. Scientific and popular. 6"x 9", hard bound cloth cover, 494 pages. Price: $19.00 USA, Canada $22.00; International $35.00. AIS Storefront.


-- WayneMesser - 2015-11-29
Topic revision: r8 - 19 Dec 2016, waynemesser
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