Scientist Dr Georgi Ivanovich Rodionenko (1913-2014)
Russian Botanist. He worked academically in the Komarov Botanical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Plant anatomist, hybridizer, taxonomist, and friend of all Irisarians. George spent a great deal of effort trying to save endangered species. photo attached showing his repatriation of Iris winogradowii to one of the only two mountain tops on which it grew. See also:
Hybridizer Georgi Ivanovich Rodionenko for his iris registrations.
Iris Publications:
- Rodionenko, G.I., (1953), "A peculiar form of sinking in the ground by seedlings of I. vicaria". Report to the Academy of Sciences U.S.S.R., vol. 92, no. 6, 1953.
- Rodionenko, G.I., (1961), Rod (Genus) Iris Leningrad.
- Rodionenko, G.I., (1962), "An Outline of a New and Evolutionary Botanical Classification of Irises". The Iris Year Book 1962. p. 103-119.
- Rodionenko, G.I., (1964), "Wild Iris species of the U.S.S.R. Part II." The Iris Year Book 1964. p. 115-128. . The British Iris Society.
- Rodionenko, G.I., (1967), "Wild Iris species of the U.S.S.R. Part II." translated by M. Rogoyski. The Iris Year Book 1967. p. 98-102. . The British Iris Society.
- Rodionenko, G.I., (1968), "Wild Iris species of the U.S.S.R.Part II concluded" translated by M. Rogoyski. The Iris Year Book 1968. p28-39. . The British Iris Society.
- Rodionenko, G.I., (1972), Irises--Some History, The Present and The Future. The Iris Year Book 1972, p.81-92. The British Iris Society.
- Rodionenko, G.I., (1975), Wild Iris species of the U.S.S.R. Aril Soc. Int. Yearbook 1975: 41-51.
- Rodionenko, G. I. (1977). in Dekorativ. Trab. Rast. Dlya Otkr. Grunta SSSR, 1: 251 (1977). Iris astrachanica.
- Rodionenko, G.I., (1981), Irisy, ( The Iris). Moskva, Kolos, 154p. Russian (en).
- Rodionenko_G. I., (1987), The genus Iris L. (questions of morphology biology, evolution and systematics). London, British Iris Society, 1987
222p. - illus. 0901483303
- Rodionenko, G.I., (1992), Improving Iris Adaptability for Northern Regions. The 1992 Iris Year Book, p.70-72.
- Rodionenko, G.I., (1994), Genus Juno Tratt. Botanicheskii Zhurnal 79: 10, 105-108.
- Rodionenko, G.I., (1996), The Rare Iris of Russia, Bulletin of the American Iris Society, No. 302, p.22-28. July.
- Rodionenko_G. I., (1997), Alatavia: a new genus of Iridaceae. New Zealand Iris Soc., Bull. no.143: 11-14 (1997) - illus.
- Rodionenko, G. I., (1998), Classification of Iris, personal communication at symposium in Rome, Irises & Iridaceae: Biodiversity & Systematics.
- Rodionenko_G. I., (1999), Alatavia: novyi rod semeistva Iridaceae. (Alatavia, the new genus of the family Iridaceae.) Bot. Zhurn. 84(7): 103-109 (1999) - illus
- Rodionenko_G. (1999), Alatavia: a new genus of Iridaceae. SIGNA no. 58: 3026-3029 (1999) - illus
- Rodionenko_G.I., (2003). (On the taxonomic structure of Iris pseudacorus s.l. (Iridaceae).) Bot. Zhurn.
88(5): 133-138 (2003) - illus.
Recipient of the Warburton Award