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Scientist Carl Purdy (1861-1945)

Ukiah, California, USA. He started collecting native seeds, bulbs and plants in about 1875 when he was only in his teens, for a nurseryman in the eastern United States. Established his own nursery in 1879, specializing in California native plants.

Also see hybridizer Carl Purdy for Iris diagnoses list.

Iris publications:

Purdy, C. E. (1896), The Garden, December 5, 1896. Iris macrosiphon.

Purdy, C. E. (1897), A New Californian Iris, Erythrea 5: 128, 26 December. I. watsoniana.

Purdy, C. E. (1898), Californian Irises, The Garden, p. 1-2, January 1st. .

-- BobPries - 2012-05-18
Topic revision: r1 - 04 Mar 2016, Harloiris
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