Hybridizer Reginald John Farrer (1880-1920)
England. Collector, Botanical author. "Owner of a celebrated Yorkshire Rock-garden. His writings describing his travels while collecting are considered some of the best written in the English language.
(AIS Alphabetical Iris Check List, 1939)
Also see hybridizer
Reginald Farrer.
Farrer, R. (1916), Report of Work in 1914 in Kansu and Tibet. Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society, vol. 42, p.47-79+.
Farrer, R. (1916), Report of Work in 1915 in Kansu and Tibet. Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society, vol. 42, 335.
Farrer, R. (1919)., sammelte in West-China; The English Rock Garden, London, 1919.
Farrer, R. (1921), Rainbow Bridge, Edward Arnold & Co. Great Britain.
BobPries - 2012-05-18