Horace A. Wright (1901-1988)

Xenia, Ohio, USA

The Wrights met and married in 1924 and spent 30 years cultivating iris on their Spahr Rd. farm. Sue was a teacher in the Bellbrook-Sugarcreek School system for many years. Horace was a hybridizer of iris. He specialized in rebloomers, which bloom both spring and fall. Dedicated in 1996 & renovated in 2009, the garden is circular in design and bordered by local creek stone. A large rock from the Bumgardner House, constructed 1842, is the focal point. Peonies from the garden of Horace's parents, Ivonette and Lorin Wright, and some of their favorite daylilies are included in this garden.

"Outstanding Gardeners of Region 16" is the title given Mr. and Mrs. Horace Wright, Spahr Rd., by Region 16, Ohio Association of Garden Clubs. The -Wrights were honored at a luncheon Thursday at the Neil House in Columbus, during the 41st annual convention of the OAGC. Mrs. Dwight DeVoss, second vice president of the state association, made the presentation. The couple, members of the Bellbrook Garden Club, also belong to the Miami Valley Iris Society, Regional Iris Society, American Iris Society and American Daffodil Society. Mr. Wright, a hybridizer of iris, has some of his introductions in test gardens throughout the United States. Region 16 is planning to honor the couple at a fall meeting. [Xenia Daily Gazette, Xenia, OH; Tuesday, August 17, 1971].

Wright Iris Garden, Bellbrook Historical Museum, 42 North Main Street, Xenia, Ohio.

The iris in this garden were a gift from Mrs. Sue Wright, a lifetime Bellbrook Garden Club member. They were given in memory of her husband, Horace Wright, who was a nephew of Orville & Wilber Wright. One variety, "The Wright Flyer", was named in honor of their historical first flight.

List of registrations/introductions:

Border Bearded: 'Late Magic', 'Late Show'.,

Intermediate Bearded: 'Bella Rose', 'Kathy B',

Tall Bearded: 'Blue Bountiful', 'Coral Charmer', 'Evelyn Warlick', 'Final Fling', 'Gay Tune', 'Happy Pal', 'Late Returns, 'Many Moons', 'Mello Dream', 'Purple Veil', 'Shine Bright', 'Starchy Sue', 'Velvet Wings', 'Violet Ballet', 'Wright Flyer',

-- BobPries - 2012-05-18
Topic revision: r7 - 06 Mar 2018, BobPries
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