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Hybridizer Edward Bruce Williamson (1877-1933)

Bluffton, Indiana, Banker, Naturalist, authority on Dragonflies. Fellow of Vanderbilt University 1900-1901, Assistant Curator, Carnegie Museum 1898-1899, Honorary Curator odonata, University of Michigan 1916-1928 and from 1928-1933, Research Associate, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan. Began to raise Irises about 1906, interested in making crosses between species and later worked with Bearded mostly, producing many splendid varieties especially noted for their good growing qualities. He started the Longfield Iris Farm in Bluffton which has introduced practically all of his seedlings, the first list being in 1920. … The Williamson Irises have been noted, 'Lent A. Williamson' being a landmark in Iris breeding equal perhaps to 'Dominion' in this respect. … Mr. Paul Cook became a partner in 1920… …(M)any fine new varieties have gone forth (from Longfield) including the Rome Gold Medal winner, 'E. B. Williamson', 'Sable', 'Amigo', 'Wabash', 'Moonglo', 'Dolly Madison', 'Ethel Peckham'. … Mr. Williamson can be considered as the second really great Iris breeder in the United States, Mr. Farr having been the first. (Alphabetical Iris Check List 1939)

Note: The breeder of the Irises 'E. B. Williamson' and 'Sable' is listed by A.I.S. as Paul Cook who used Williamson stock in his breeding program. Mr. Williamson's daughter Mary introduced several of her father's Irises after his death.)

List of registrations/introductions:

Arilbred: 'Baby Blue', 'Brukor', 'Cherokee Maid'; 'Fallen Leaf'; 'Salerosa',

Border Bearded: 'Gay Hussar'.

Intermediate Intermediate: 'Anosia', 'Chewink', 'Daystar', 'Pewee', 'Playboy', 'Silver Ribbon', 'Siskin', 'Titmouse', 'Warbler', 'Widget', 'Yellow Rail', 'Zingara'.

Louisiana: 'Dorothea K. Williamson'.

Minature Dwarf Bearded: 'Baby Blue', 'Fallen Leaf', 'Salerosa',

Minature Tall Bearded: 'Bunting', 'Chewink', 'Daystar', 'Hobo', 'Kinglet', 'Nambe', 'Playboy', 'Siskin', 'Titmouse', 'Warbler', 'Widget', 'Zingara',

Tall Bearded: 'Adobe', 'Alcanna', 'Alpenglow', 'Amanecer', 'Amigo', 'Andante', 'Argynnis', 'Atira', 'Avatar', 'Azurine', 'Barbarian', 'Beau Sabreur', 'Bergama', 'Brenthis', 'Bunting', 'Cadenza by Williamson', 'Cantabile', 'Cantata', 'Carnival', 'Cavatina', 'Chalcedony', 'Chamita', 'Cherokee Maid', 'Cherry Rust', 'Cheyenne', 'Chianti', 'Chinook', 'Cimarron', 'Cinnabar', 'Colias', 'Dazzler', 'Decennial', 'Dolly Madison', 'Dorothy Dietz', 'Dubrovnik', 'Equipoise', 'Ethel Peckham', 'Flamingo', 'Friar Tuck', 'Gaucho', 'Geo. J. Tribolet', 'Griselda', 'Grisette', 'Hesperis', 'Heyday', 'Hiamovi', 'Hyacinthus', 'Hydromel', 'Illuminator', 'Jane Williamson', 'Jinny Sue', 'Kedeshka', 'Kinglet', 'Kublai Khan', 'La Feria', 'Lent A. Williamson', 'Lerema', 'Luzianna', 'Lycaena', 'Mareschal Ney', 'Margaret Anne', 'Mary Williamson', 'Master Charles', 'Mataghan', 'Monal', 'Moonglo', 'Muscatel', 'Nathalis', 'Nightshade', 'Onyx', 'Opaline', 'Rasakura', 'Rhapsody', 'Rhea', 'Sandakan', 'Sandia', 'Segovia', 'Shawano', 'Sonata', 'Sumac', 'Sundipt', 'Talwar', 'Terias', 'Thecla', 'Trails End', 'Tuscany Gold', 'Tuscarora', 'Varese', 'Vesper Gold', 'Viipuri', 'Wabash', 'Yataghan', 'Zamora'.

-- BobPries - 2012-05-18
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Williamson_Saunders.jpgjpg Williamson_Saunders.jpg manage 20 K 09 May 2014 - 16:59 BobPries Curtesy of Mike Lowe from Original HIPS Website
Topic revision: r31 - 08 Sep 2020, Pamina
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