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Hybridizer Frank A. Williams

Parchment, Michigan, USA


Border Bearded: 'Betwixt And Betwain', 'Golden Shekels'.

Intermediate Bearded: 'Glowing Coals', 'Top Frost'.

Miniature Dwarf Bearded: 'Black Gem', 'Blue Dimples', 'Born Royal', 'Dewberry, 'Dutch Royal', 'Happy Land', 'Itti Bitti White', 'Kazoo', 'Kissimee', 'Little Alice', 'Little Jane', 'Little Mella', 'Little Sahib', 'Little Sire', 'Lovely Kim', 'Mama's Pet', 'Michiana', 'Moon Drops', 'O-Mio', 'Oh Oh', 'Red Sentry', 'Sweet Cara', 'Tagalong'.

Miniature Tall Bearded: 'Angel Dust', 'Bee's Pride', 'Bobo', 'Bon Ami', 'Diana Mite', 'Ebernice', Friendly Skies', 'Hazy Skies', 'High Jinks', 'Joette', 'Jubie', 'Little Bay Denoc', 'Little Danny'. 'Lunar Dust', 'Mellacata', 'Mother Mella', 'Oriental Rose', 'Oscoda', Queen's Baby', 'Red Damask', 'Red Senorita', 'Slim Jim', 'Smilling Madonna', 'Sweet Melissa', 'Table Queen'.

Standard Dwarf Bearded: 'Bit-O-Cata', 'Blue Chambray', Blue Thunder', 'Blueberry Crisp', 'Bold Lassie', 'Bright Dawn', 'Bronco', 'Caramel Delight', 'Cherry Float', 'Cherry Valley', 'Delightfully Yours', 'Golly Bee', 'Goody-Goody', 'Hot Pants', 'Lady Mio', 'Lilting Lil', 'Little Sire', 'Marnie', 'May Bee', 'Mella Belle', 'Michigan Seventy-Six', 'Michigan Wonderland', 'Milady's Jewel', 'Miss Mio', 'Misty Green', 'Okemos', 'Red Carpet', 'Red Coat', 'Red Jacket', 'Red Spartan', Regal Miss', 'Sand Pebbles'. 'Shawnee Rose', 'Sooty Face', 'Thisbe's Child', 'Toots', 'Valley Glow', 'Watersmeet', 'Wine Glow'.

-- BobPries - 2012-05-18
Topic revision: r12 - 08 Jan 2019, Harloiris
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