

Hybridizer Olga Wells

Kent, England

Olga Wells has been the British Iris Society Year Book editor. For more Information about British Irises visit the British Iris Society Website. Olga has hybridized Bearded and Beardless Hybrids that you can find at Iris Of Sissinghurst. Her Tall Bearded 'Hever Castle' was the British Dykes Medal 2019 winner, and its child 'Spirit of Kent' was the 2021 British Dykes Medal winner.

Recipient of the Foster Memorial Plaque in 2015.


Border Bearded: 'Aylesford', 'Chiddingstone', 'Dover Castle', 'Harvest Home', 'Invicta Celebration', 'North Downs', 'Penshurst Blue', 'Penshurst Yellow', 'Sugarmouse', 'Tenterden',

Intermediate Bearded: 'Ambersand', 'Brandy Snap', 'Brenchley', 'Cranbrook', 'Elsie Petty', 'Invicta Daybreak', 'Invicta Reprieve', 'Kent Blackguard', 'Kent Compote', 'Kent Skylark', 'Kentish Lad', 'Lullingstone Castle', 'Marden Beech', 'Rochester Castle', 'Romney Marsh', 'Saltwood Castle', 'Shirley Chandler', 'Walmer Castle', 'Westwood',

Miniature Dwarf Bearded: 'Matfield Green',

Miniature Tall Bearded: 'Bockingford', 'Bubble and Squeak', 'Eleanor Wells', 'Headcorn', 'Kentish Lass', 'Loose Valley', 'Lucy's Gift', 'Marden Meadow', 'Medway Valley', 'Mote Park', 'Staplehurst', 'Teasaucer Hill', 'Thruppence',

Siberian: 'Atlantic Crossing', 'Kent Arrival', 'Kent Pilgrim', Sutton Valence', 'Wealden Butterfly', 'Wealden Carousel', 'Wealden Delight', 'Wealden Mystery', 'Wealden Nocturne', 'Wealden Skies', 'Wealden Spires', 'Wealden Summer',

Spuria: 'Wealden Canary', 'Wealden Sunshine',

Standard Dwarf Bearded: 'Ditzy', 'Farleigh Damson', 'Flibbertigibbet', 'Fordwich', 'Gourhurst', 'Gurkhas' Dance', 'Gypsy Tart', 'Invicta Garnet', 'Invicta Gold'; 'Kentish Icon', 'Minnis Bay',

Tall Bearded: 'Allington Castle', 'County Town Blue', 'County Town Red'; 'Doddington Place', 'Godinton', 'Greensand Way', 'Harry's Choice', 'Hever Castle', Invicta Sapphire', 'Keeper's Cottage', 'Leeds Castle', 'Phaedra's Dark Arts', 'Red Enigma', 'Scotney Castle', 'Sissinghurst Castle', 'Spirit of Kent', 'Steve's Choice', 'Weald View',

-- BobPries - 2011-07-07
Topic revision: r37 - 19 Apr 2022, EdenSprings
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