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Hybridizer Thomas S. Ware

London, England

Thomas S. Ware is identified in the AIS 1939 check list as a London "nurseryman specializing in rare plants, listing many Iris."


Intermediate Bearded: 'Mrs Reuthe'.

Japanese: 'Othello', 'Helen von Siebold', 'Romeo', 'T. S. Ware'.

Miniature Tall Bearded: 'Gracchus'.

Siberian: 'Polaki'.

Species: 'Perryana',

Tall Bearded: 'Alfred Fiddler', 'Avenir', 'Golden Eagle', 'Kitty Reuthe', 'Lord Salisbury', 'Maritana', 'Nellie Reuthe', 'Plumeri', 'Standard Bearer', 'Xenophon'.

-- BobPries - 2012-05-18
Topic revision: r12 - 20 Sep 2020, Pamina
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