Hybridizer Bion Tolman (1907 - 1991)
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
[“Nine New RVPs – Region 12,”
The Bulletin of the American Iris Society, No. 188 (January 1968): 64.] Bion Tolman has been interested in irises since 1938 when he used to slip away from the Sugar Beet Research Station and visit Herman Thorup's garden. These were the days of CALIFORNIA GOLD, THE RED DOUGLAS, FRANK ADAMS, MISSOURI and other old timers which were famous in their time. He later became a director of the Utah Iris Society and served in such positions as show chairman, program chairman, and as President of the Society. Mr. Tolman has visited iris gardens throughout Utah, Washington, and Texas and has visited with hybridizers in England and Holland.
He started hybridizing in 1950 and has registered and introduced ten tall bearded varieties. The best of these, LUCILLE TOLMAN and PACIFIC WATERS, are receiving acclaim from iris judges. Mr. Tolman takes many colored slides in gardens throughout the western area and gives slide programs on irises and iris breeding each year. He is an accredited garden judge and has indicated that he wants to do everything he can to raise the quality of iris judging in region 12.
Mr. Tolman has an M.S. Degree in plant breeding and directs an extensive agricultural research program for the Utah-Idaho Sugar Company. He is Vice President in charge of Agriculture and works with farmers who raise sugar beets throughout the west. He was recently given an "Award of Merit" for his services to the sugar beet industry. Mr. Tolman is married to Lucille Morgan and they have six daughters and fifteen grandchildren.
Border Bearded: 'Apache Brave',
'Apache Papoose',
'Arranger's Delight',
'Border Jewel',
'Celestial Ruffles',
'Fiesta Night',
'Peach Fizz',
Intermediate Bearded: 'Cool Whip'.
Siberian: 'Smooth Seas',
'Turquoise Beauty'.
Spuria: 'Arc Light'.
Standard Dwart Bearded: 'Amber And Honey',
'It's Tops',
'Salmon Run',
'Sunrise Show'.
Tall Bearded: 'Apache Sweetheart',
'Ballet Lace',
'Big Brother',
'Cloud Carnival',
'Dark Tapestry',
'El Grande Azul',
'El Titan',
'Eskimo Country',
'Fandango Road',
'Fiesta Bazaar',
'Fiesta Days',
'Flamingo Lace',
'Happy Bells',
'Holiday Time',
'Laced Tapestry',
'Lovely Bazaar',
'Lucille Tolman',
'Mayan Dancer',
'Mediterranean Blue',
'Pacific Waters',
'Pageant Queen',
'Pink Romance',
'Pretty Maid',
'Ruffled Banner',
'Sea Adventure',
'Sombrero Blanco',
'Stitched Beauty',
'Violet Glow'.
BobPries - 2012-05-18