

Hybridizer Grace Sturtevant --(1865-1947)

Miss Grace Sturtevant, (1865-1947), Glen Road, Wellesley Farms, Mass. Daughter of first Director of the N.Y. Experiment Station at Geneva, N.Y. Illustrated his botanical studies. Graduate, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. She moved to Wellesley in 1901. Interested in gardening from 1894, she began breeding Irises in 1909 and exhibited in 1915, winning the Silver Medal of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society in 1917. She established a small nursery, Glen Road Iris gardens, and helped to found the A.I.S. The Gold Medal of the M.H.S. was awarded her in 1924 for producing new varietries, of which some of the best known are 'Mother Of Pearl', 'Shekinah', Queen Caterina', 'Airy Dream', 'Rose Madder', 'B.Y.Morrison' etc. She has been awarded also the A.I.S. Gold Medal 1935 and the Foster Memorial Plaque 1938.

see also: Historic Iris Preservation Society - Grace Sturtevant's biography


Intermediate Bearded: 'Anndelia', 'Bluet', 'Bonnieblue', 'Empire', Feldspar', 'Magnate', 'Mystery', 'Neos', 'Old Ivory', 'Pandora', 'Pearl Blue', 'Prestige', 'Ramona', 'Rangoon', 'Red Splendour', 'Rialgar', 'Sea Foam', 'Tintallion', 'Treasure Trove'.

Miniature Dwarf Bearded: 'Little Bouquet', 'Rajah', 'Ranee', 'Tid-Bit', 'Yellow Elf', 'Yellow Tom Tit', 'Ylo'.

Siberian: 'Opal Blue', 'Red Emperor', 'Zest'.

Tall Bearded: 'Acheron', 'Advent', 'Afterglow', 'Airy Dream', 'Alice Osgood', 'Aloha', 'Ambrosia', 'Anne Leslie', 'Arabesque', 'Arethusa', 'Arzani', 'Athene', 'Autumn Glow', 'Avalon', 'B. Y. Morrison', 'Baronet', 'Barrelane', 'Bashi Bazouk', 'Blue Moonstone', 'Bluet', 'Bon Ton', 'Bordeau', 'Bounteous', 'Calling Me', Cameliard', 'Cameo', 'Carcanet', 'Carnation', 'Cavalcade', 'Chalice', 'Circe', 'Content', Cordon Bleu', 'Corona', 'Crinoline', 'Cygnet', 'Day Dream', 'Delight', 'Demure', 'Dream', 'Dreamlight', 'Druid', 'Early Dawn', 'Elinor', 'Elinor Blossom', 'Ember', Endymion', 'Ensign', 'Especially You', 'Fantasy', 'Felicity', 'Fireflash', 'First Choice', 'Flambeau', 'Flutter By', 'Forest Naiad', 'Garden White', 'Garnet', 'Genghis Khan', 'Glacier', 'Glowing Embers', 'Gold Imperial', 'Gold Tissue', 'Golden Amber', 'Golden Flag', 'Good Cheer', 'Gray Morn', 'High Delight', 'Highly Commended', 'Hope', 'Imperial', 'Inner Glow', 'Iolanthe', 'Ishtar', 'Jadu', 'Jennett Dean', 'Joyous', 'Kalif', 'Karma', 'Katrinka', 'Koya', 'Lamia', 'Laura Emersonn Sturtevant', 'Lugarda', 'Magi', 'Mandelay', 'Mareschal', 'Mary', 'Medallion', 'Medley', 'Merlin', 'Milky Way', 'Mme Cheri', 'Moonlight', 'Mother of Pearl', 'Motif', 'Myth', 'Nadji', 'Nancy Orne', 'Naomi', 'Naushon', 'Night', 'Nirvana', 'Nubian', 'OK', 'Onnoris', 'Opal Dawn', 'Palaurea', 'Passion', 'Pink Goliath', 'Pink Jadu', 'Polaris', 'Prelude', 'Primrose', 'Prince Charming', 'Prince Imperial', 'Purple And Gold', 'Purple East', 'Purple Lace', 'Queen Caterina', 'Rajput', 'Rakan', 'Red Ember', 'Reverie', 'Rose Madder', 'Rosette', 'Salient Beauty', 'Salute', 'Sarabande', 'Satin Rose', 'Shekinah', 'Sherbert', 'Sherbert II', 'Shirley', 'Silver Flare', 'Sindjkha', 'Sister', 'Snow White', 'Splendour', 'Springtime', 'Stanley H. White', 'Sunlight', 'Taj Mahal', 'Tancred', 'Tangiers', 'The Scream', 'Thistledown', 'Thunder Cloud', 'Timur', 'Treasure', 'True Blue', 'True Charm', 'True Delight', 'Tubal Cain', 'Tyrian', 'Valiant', 'Valkyrie', 'Venture', 'Vishnu', 'Warrior', 'Whiffenpoof', 'White Spirit', 'Wild Rose', 'Winner', 'Woden', 'Yellow Moon'.

-- BobPries - 2012-05-01
Topic revision: r71 - 27 Dec 2023, BrewItt
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