

Hybridizer Robert Strohman

Louisville, Kentucky, USA


Standard Dwarf Bearded: 'Alfresco Encore', 'Cape May', 'Cherry Tea', 'Dime Lime', 'Lemon Neon', 'Limeline', 'Lotsa Lav', 'Pine Needles', 'Returnings', 'Royalette', 'Smokette', 'Sun Tree', 'Tax Time', 'Three Olive Martini'

Intermediate Bearded: 'Almost A Rainbow',

Minniature Tall Bearded:  'Cinnamomma', 'Fabergé Egg',

Tall Bearded: 'Creme Brulee', 'Red Devil',

-- BobPries - 2012-05-18
Topic revision: r9 - 14 Aug 2021, BrewItt
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