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Hybridizer Dr. Alexander Steffen (11/24/1871 - 11/11/52)

Dresden/Erfurt, Germany

Nine introductions (1955) followed his death and are registered with AIS; prior to his death there were 38 unregistered introductions.

Tall Bearded: 'Erzengel', 'Falter', 'Fruhlingslied','Goldfackel', 'Goldgelber Herkules', 'Grosse Zitrone', 'Mannertreu', 'Pillnitz', 'Schneeferner', 'Zephir',

Unregistered cultivars: Awaiting further information and/or photos. List from David Prichard.

Siberian: 'Phosphorflamme'.

Tall Bearded: 'Anmut' 1950; 'Elfenlied' 1940; 'Eroica' 1950'; 'Frau Musika' 1948; 'Froher Sinn' 1943; 'Hesperide' 1946, 'Himmelsleiter' 1943, 'Hochhaus' 1952; 'Hochspannung' 1949, 'Indianer' 1941; 'Irene' 1950; Kantate 1942; 'Kronos' 1950; 'Meerschaum 1948;, 'Moeve'; 'Nymphe' 1940; 'Pascha' 1955; 'Pfingstgruss' 1951; 'Pfirsich'; 'Rienzi'; 'Rogate' 1943; 'Rosamunde'; 'Rotfeuer' 1950; 'Schneegottin' 1948; 'Sibirien' 1941; 'Stettin' 1948; 'Tannhaeuser' 1951; 'Uta'; 'Weisses Segal' 1950;

-- BobPries - 2012-05-18
Topic revision: r14 - 22 Dec 2018, Harloiris
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