

Hybridizer Donald Spoon

Cross Junction, Virginia, USA Topics below


Operates Winterberry Iris Gardens in Cross Junction, Virginia with his wife Ginny and son Bryan. Ginny and Bryan are also hybridizers. Donald Spoon was honored by the American Iris Society with the Hybridizer Award in 2019.

Printable listing of AIS Awards for irises Don Spoon hybridized and introduced.


Border Bearded:

'Adorink' 'Arizona Border' 'Aunt Edna', 'Black Teddy Bear' 'Color Surge', 'Don Herzberg', 'First Contact,
'Flo', 'Flowerful Peach', 'Garden Butterflies', 'Joyful Joy', 'Lemon Candy', 'Pink Puppy',
'Raspberry Silk', 'Revel In Red', 'Rielle', 'Sara Marley', 'Sheba's Candy', 'Lemon Smoothie', 'Love Goes On',
'Lucie Andry', 'Midsummer's Eve', 'Mouse', 'Peach Parasol'HM 2001 'PersimmonFlame', 'Strawberry Apricot', 'Tiger Taffy', 'Twiggy',
'Twilight Moonrise', 'Warp Drive',
Intermediate Bearded: 'Astounded', 'Cat's Hat', 'Designer Hues', 'Ecliptic', 'Gold and Rubies', 'Holiday Treat', 'Ice Blue Pearl', 'Pink Collage', 'Zumba',


'Chubasco', 'Orchid Fountain', 'Sorocco',

Minature Dwarf Bearded:

'Ampersand', 'Hilda's Gift', 'Hot Babe', 'India Ink' 'Kayla's Song'Cap-W 2018AM 2015/HM 2013 'Lotta Dotta', 'Princess Pele',
'Royal Maroon', 'Shy', 'Spiderweb', 'Spring Beacon', 'Trimmed Velvet', 'White Ice', 'Young Patriot',

Minature Tall Bearded: 'Maslon'

Standard Dwarf Bearded:

'Alberta Peach', 'Alice's Eyes' 'Anita Moran', 'Anne Lowe', 'Aqua', 'Autumn Orange', 'Autumn Tangerine',
'Blue Hues', 'Blue Ray', 'Blues Clues', 'Calico Lace', 'Candy Corn', 'Cara', 'Cara Cara',
'Cardinal Coat', 'Cerise Boy' 'Chubby Spider' 'Cookie Monster'HM 2016 'Dazzle Baby'HM 2016, 'Devin', 'Earth and Sky',
'Eric Simpson' 'Exotic Eyes'AM 2015/HM 2013 'Eye Lines', 'Flag Red', 'Florist Gold', 'Frank Naylor', 'French Blue',
'Funny Bunny', 'Fly Butterfly', 'Giggler', 'Gold Lantern', 'Granny Apple', 'Green Jeans', 'Green Peeper', 'Green Spring',
'Green Tree', 'Greenback Kid', 'Greenfingers', 'Hot Chic', 'Hot Peaches', 'Huck' 'Huckleberries'HM 2021Huckleberries
'Inky Dinky Spider',' 'Jack Loving', 'June Bug', 'Karen Jones', 'Kulu, 'Kumquat', 'Larry's Blue',
'Lemon Kitty', 'Lime Pie', 'Lucky Bonnet', 'Lucky Orange', 'Mary Anna', 'Minnie Ned', 'Mir',
'Missish', 'Miss Meredith', 'Morgan', 'Moss Spot', 'Muppet', 'Muppet's Sister', 'My Baby Blues',
'My Kayla', 'Oculus', 'Olive Spot', 'Orange Kitty' 'Orange Lantern', 'Oxford Tweeds', 'Peach Pie', 'Pied Apricot',
'Pied Pixie'' 'Plum Pie', 'Plum Pink', 'Pom', 'Pretty Girl', 'Pretty Peach',
'Prince Lollipop', 'Prince Pele', 'Puff Candy', 'Purple Joy', 'Rainbow Rim', 'Ray Jones', 'Raymond',
'Red Bunny', 'Red Rabbit', 'Rich Blanquet', 'Rosalie Loving', 'Ruby Lines', 'Sandsong', 'Senorita Frog', 'Shakespeare's Sonnet',
'Sky Hues', 'Sky Willow', 'Snow Peas', 'Solar Max', 'So Precious', 'Sonador',
'Spiderbaby', 'Spiderlady', 'Spiderman', 'Stacey's Blue', 'Star Prince', 'Stitched Kitten', 'Teagan',
'Teal Lines'HM 2017, 'Tropical Blue', 'Tropical Shoals', 'TutuTeal', 'Wedgewood Blue', 'Wee Hokie', 'Wild Whimsey',
'Winter Embrace', 'Wise Willow', 'Woad Toad', 'Wukee',

Tall Bearded (A-L): ' 'America The Beautiful', 'American Band Stand', 'Ashlee Noel', 'Ask and Receive', 'Aunt Josephine', 'Aunt Margaret', 'Autumn Garnet' 'Autumn Joy', 'Autumn Sky', 'Back Again', 'Beth Marie', 'Betty Cunningham', 'Betty's Gift', 'Black Cat', 'Blaney Marlow', 'Blossom Of Snow', 'Bluebirds Fly', 'Blue Ridge Beauty', 'Blue Skippers', 'Blue Streaker', 'Bonnie's Bluebird', 'Bottled Sunburst', 'Bouncing Blue', 'Butterfly Effect', 'Caramelized', 'Caribbean Deep', 'Carrie Winter', 'Cheshire Cat', 'Chief George', 'Clipper', 'Cobra's Eye', 'Coffee Mocha', 'Colleen's Dreamsicle', 'Coral Baker', 'Corn Dance', 'Crazy', 'Crazy Daisy', 'Crystal Honey', 'Curious Tabby', 'Dan Laing', 'Dance Magic', 'Daughter of Stars', 'Dazzling Lora', 'Diamond Blush', 'Donna Hackman', 'Double Whammy', 'Dragon Art', 'Dreaming Rainbows', 'Dune Sea', 'Earth Girl', 'Emilie Dolge', 'Eric Tillman', 'Evergreen', 'Faithful and True', 'Father Christmas', 'Fireball Candy', 'First Embrace', 'Flash Magic', 'Flight Of Bluebirds', 'Foggy Bottom', 'Forever Evelyn', 'Freda's Gift', 'Garden Lantern', 'Garnet and Gold', 'Ginny's Cream', 'Gladys Kelly', 'Gladys Lee', 'Go Hokies', 'Golden Angel', 'Golden Company', 'Golden Web', 'Grape Harvest', 'Green Mittens', 'Griffin', 'Guinevere's Kiss', 'Holy Heart', 'Home Sweet Home', 'Ice Adams', 'It's Friday', 'Jack's Choice', 'Jaime Delgado', 'Joann's Dream', 'Karen Ann', 'Katharine Steele', 'Kind Candace', 'Kind Karen', 'King's Speech', 'Kooza', 'Kristen Faith', 'Lacy Ice', 'Lady Baltimore', 'Lady Glenna', 'Lady of Leoness', 'Lady of Middleburg', 'Lady of Substance', 'Lately Blue', 'Lavender Lion', 'Lavender Song', 'Lemon Lollipop', 'Lemon Smoothie', 'Let's Dance Again', 'Libby Cross', 'Liger', 'Lilla', 'Lilla Alberta', 'Lilla's Gloves', 'Lilla's Lace', 'Lilla's Stripes', 'Linda Laing', 'Linda Leigh', 'Linda's Red', 'Lion Chief', 'Little John', 'Lloyd', 'Lora Kathleen', 'Lord Fairfax', 'Love Renewed', 'Loving Pink', 'Lycopene',

Tall Bearded (M-Z): 'Mac Shawe', 'Magenta Midnight', 'Magenta Silk', 'Mango Parfait', 'Margaret Wilson Thomas', 'Marilyn Naylor', 'Maroon Moon', 'Mary Adele', 'Melanie Ann', 'Merry Maids', 'Miracle Miriam', 'Momma Caroline', 'Momma Rosemary', 'Momma's Angel', 'Monet's Sky', 'Moonlight Romance', 'Mother of Dragons', 'My Ginny', 'My Jodie', 'My Stardust', 'National Treasure', 'New Morning', 'Nimitz', 'Norman', 'Once In A Lullaby', 'Oranges', 'Orchid Dove', 'Orien', 'Oriental Design', 'Papadad', 'Patty Cake', 'Paula Kathleen', 'Peach Berry Swirl', 'Peach Blossom Song', 'Peach Bouquet', 'Peach Design', 'Pendragon', 'Phantom Masquerade', 'Pink Caresses', 'Pink Design', 'Pink Hugs', 'Pink Kisses', 'Pink Moon', 'Pink Pink', 'Pirate Captain', 'Pixie Magic', 'Pizzicato', 'Plum Parasol', 'Plum Pretty Whiskers', 'Potomac Fireworks', 'Precious Harvest', 'Pretty Morning', 'Princess Elexis', 'Princess Gown', 'Procrastinator', 'Pure Starlight', 'Purple Magic', 'Quik', 'Radiant Ember', 'Rafa', 'Rainbow Candy', 'Ranger Mosby', 'Red Hot Momma', 'Red Lace Petticoat', 'Red Silk', 'Rejoice and Sing', 'Robin of Loxley', 'Rogue One', 'Roney's Encore', 'Rosetta Stone', 'Royal Challenger', 'Rubies', 'Ruffled Garnet', 'Ruth Holbrook', 'Ruth Walker', 'Sailor's Tango', 'Sandra Michaela', 'Secret Light', 'Secret Santa', 'Sharon Marie', 'Shire', 'Short Stitched', 'Show Dress'. 'Showy Lowy', 'Signal Red', 'Silent Wings', 'Sister Power', 'Sister Shirley', 'Skies Are Blue', 'Sky and Sun', 'Snappy Lady', 'Snow Parasol', 'Snow White Dove', 'Son of Dreams', 'Sparkling Silver', 'Spice It Up', 'Spring Peach', 'Spun Candy', 'Star Challenger', 'Star Dusted Night', 'Star Lord', 'Starring Encore', 'Summer Peach', 'Sunny Butter', 'Supreme Queen', 'Suzy Snowflake', 'Sweetheart Ring', 'Sweet Romance', 'Tall John', 'Tall Lady', 'Tankini', 'Tempo Tantrum', 'Toyoko', 'Trillionaire', 'Triple Somersault', 'Twilight Rose', 'UFO', 'Uncle Charlie', 'Veinity', 'Vicarious', 'Violet Enigma', 'Violet Scent', 'Virginia Peach', 'Virginia Pink', 'Waurine', 'Way Up High', 'Will Scarlet', 'Wilma', 'Winterberry', 'Wise Wish', 'Yellow Design', 'Yosemite Sam', 'Zee', 'Zekie',

----Awarded Irises


'Huckleberries', SDB, Honorable Mention

'Kayla's Song', MDB, The Caparne-Welch Medal

RED HOT MOMMA, TB, Honorable Mention TEAL LINES, SDB, Honorable Mention

MONET’S SKY, TB, Honorable Mention COOKIE MONSTER, SDB, Honorable Mention DAZZLE BABY, SDB, Honorable Mention

WINTERBERRY, TB, Award of Merit EXOTIC EYES, SDB, Award of Merit TEAGAN, SDB, Award of Merit
ALBERTA PEACH, SDB, Honorable Mention RAY JONES, SDB, Honorable Mention KAYLA’S SONG, MDB, Award of Merit

TRIMMED VELVET, MDB, The Caparne-Welch Medal ANNE LOWE, SDB, Honorable Mention EXOTIC EYES, SDB, Honorable Mention
PURPLE JOY, SDB, Honorable Mention KAYLA’S SONG, MDB, Honorable Mention

WINTERBERRY, TB, Honorable Mention TEAGAN, SDB, Honorable Mention

MANGO PARFAIT, TB, Honorable Mention SPIDERMAN, SDB, Award of Merit TRIMMED VELVET, MDB, Award of Merit

ORCHID DOVE, TB, Honorable Mention SIGNAL RED, TB, Honorable Mention STAR CHALLENGER, TB, Honorable Mention
JACK LOVING, SDB, Honorable Mention JUNE BUG, SDB, Honorable Mention


TANKINI, TB, Honorable Mention

SPIDERWEB, MDB, Award of Merit

MASLON, MTB, The Williamson-White Medal GRAPE HARVEST, TB, Honorable Mention CAT’S HAT, IB, Honorable Mention
TRIMMED VELVET, MDB, Honorable Mention

DAUGHTER OF STARS, TB, The John C. Wister Medal LADY OF LEONESS, TB, Award of Merit TWIGGY, BB, Honorable Mention
SPIDERBABY, SDB, Honorable Mention SPIDERMAN, SDB, Honorable Mention TUTU TEAL, SDB, Honorable Mention

MASLON, MTB, Award of Merit ROASLIE LOVING, SDB, Honorable Mention SPIDERWEB, MDB, Honorable Mention

UNCLE CHARLIE, TB, The John C. Wister Medal DAUGHTER OF STARS, TB, Award of Merit PLUM PRETTY WHISKERS, TB, Honorable Mention
TRILLIONAIRE, TB, Honorable Mention MISS MEREDITH, SDB, Honorable Mention

MY GINNY, TB, Award of Merit MASLON, MTB, Honorable Mention

SKY AND SUN, TB, Award of Merit UNCLE CHARLIE, TB, Award of Merit AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL, TB, Honorable Mention
AUTUMN JOY, TB, Honorable Mention DAUGHTER OF STARS, TB, Honorable Mention LADY OF LEONESS, TB, Honorable Mention
YOSEMITE SAM, TB, Honorable Mention MY GINNY, TB, The President’s Cup

MY GINNY, TB, Honorable Mention

LITTLE JOHN, TB, Award of Merit SKY AND SUN, TB, Honorable Mention UNCLE CHARLIE, TB, Honorable Mention
PEACH PARASOL, BB, Honorable Mention

UNCLE CHARLIE, TB, The Franklin Cup LITTLE JOHN, TB, Honorable Mention
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Don Spoon Iris Awards.pdfpdf Don Spoon Iris Awards.pdf manage 116 K 12 Dec 2021 - 14:44 DougChyz Listing of awards for irises Don Spoon hybridized and introduced.
Topic revision: r147 - 28 Nov 2023, BrewItt
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