Hybridizer Eva Theresa Brown Smith (1899-1985)¹

Lewiston, Idaho, USA


On May 11, 1985, Eva Smith died at the age of 85. Following retirement, Eva and her husband Carl, bored with the inactivity, decided to go back into the nursery business. Although they grew foxtail lilies (eremurus), lupines and gladiolus among other things, they concentrated their efforts on irises, and soon Smith's Iris Garden of Lewiston, Idaho was nationally known. Eva hybridized bearded irises of all sizes, and in the late 1950s she began introducing new varieties, continuing until the early 1970s. Among the best known of her tall beardeds are GOLDEN MASTERPIECE and GRACIE PFOST, both of which won Awards of Merit, plus ANGEL'S DREAM, FOND WISH, IDAHO CENTENNIAL, IVORY GOWN, ORANGE CHIFFON and RED PLANET. Her miniature dwarf BUMBLE WINGS won the Caparne Award in1970. She and Carl were also interested in crafts; Carl was a lapidarist and Eva worked with ceramics and taught classes on the subject. Following Carl's death about ten years ago, the iris business was terminated. The Smith iris legacy lives on in current breeding lines where other hybridizers have incorporated her varieties into their programs. Bulletin of the American Iris Society #258(July 1985), 85.


Border Bearded: 'Japanese Garden', 'Love Song',

Miniature Dwarf Bearded: 'Angel's Song', 'Bumble Wings', 'Easter Gown', 'Fairy Dream', 'Idaho Bluebird', 'Ivory and Ink', 'Little Atom', 'Little Beauty', 'Little Redskin', 'Moon Charm', 'Tony Lynn',

Standard Dwarf Bearded: 'Congo Wine', 'Easter Best', 'Lavender Gate', 'Little Bobbette', 'Little Imp', 'Mexican Dancer', 'Mini Blue', 'Spring Jewel', 'Starla', 'Wilma V',

Tall Bearded: 'Adorable You', 'All Season', 'Angel's Dream', 'Apricot Honey', 'Autumn Sun', 'Best Regards', 'Blazing Fury', 'Blue Opal', 'Bronze Chief', 'Calendar Girl', 'Carmel Kisses', 'Civil War', 'Copper Magic', 'Coralynn', 'Cyclone', 'Desert Glow', 'Divine Melody', 'Dream Maiden', 'Dream Serenade', 'Dream Song', 'Ebony Prince', 'Ee-Dah-How', 'Exotic Dream', 'Fond Wish', 'Frilled Sensation', 'Gay Cloud', 'Golden Delight', 'Golden Diadem', 'Golden Lace', 'Golden Masterpiece', 'Golden Riot', 'Gracie Pfost', 'Green Smoke', 'Gypsy Fire', 'Gypsy Festival', 'Gypsy Melody', 'Heaven's Best', 'High Tower', 'Holiday Mood', 'Holy Smoke', 'Idaho Belle', 'Idaho Centennial', 'Idaho Chief', 'Idaho Cream', 'Idaho Gem', 'Idaho Gold', 'Idaho Kid', 'Idaho Sunshine', 'Iris Corsage', 'Ivory Gown', 'Jeanie', 'June Wedding', 'Kinfolk', 'King's Raiment', 'Laura's Choice', 'Lolo Trail', 'Lucky Day', 'Lynnette', 'Magic Dawn', 'Magic Hour', 'Malay Princess', 'Margie Lee', 'Mauve Magic', 'Miss Idaho', 'Miss Junior-Miss', 'Moon Madness', 'Mount Spokane', 'Mulberry Lane', 'My Idaho', 'My Pet', 'Nezperce Chief', 'Nezperce Princess', 'Orange Chiffon', 'Orchid Charm', 'Orchid Heiress', 'Orchid Pinafore', 'Party Ruffles', 'Pink Dream', 'Pink Encore', 'Pink Odd Ball', 'Plicadilly', 'Plum Delight', 'Queen's Delight', 'Rainier', 'Ramona S', 'Rare Treasure', 'Red Planet', 'Rich Reward', 'Rose Rhythm', 'Ruffled Dream', 'Sapphire Dream', 'Sea Lyric', 'Short Snort', 'Smoky Mountain', 'Snowy Vista', 'Space Dream', 'Spanish Lace', 'Sultan's Choice', 'Sultry', 'Summer Luxury', 'Sunset Magic', 'Twilight Hour', 'Two Timer', 'Uncle Tell', 'Velvet Elegance', 'Violet Time', 'Wedding Veil',

¹Find A Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com : accessed 15 January 2019), memorial page for Eva Theresa Brown Smith (20 Aug 1899–10 May 1985), Find A Grave Memorial no. 130397986, citing Lewis-Clark Memorial Gardens, Lewiston, Nez Perce County, Idaho, USA ; Maintained by Brenda Dahmen (contributor 47944560) .

-- BobPries - 2012-05-18
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