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Hybridizer George Slade

Cynthiana, Kentucky, USA


Border Bearded: 'Solar Eclipse'.

Siberian: 'Kelat Spires'.

Tall Bearded: 'Abdallah Park', 'Admiral's Flag', 'Amanda Louise', 'Angel Attire', 'Antioch', 'Best of Times', 'Big 'Un', 'Blessings Galore', 'Blue Eyes Brown', 'Blue Planet', 'By George', 'Calico Classic', 'Chronicles of Cynthiana', 'Clarita K', 'Colby Ridge', 'Con Artist', 'Country Classic', 'Cyntuck', 'Darling Jill', 'David Sheely's Ghost', 'Dial O', 'Dixie Dandy', 'Dixiecrat', 'Easter A' Dawning', 'Fashion Frolic', 'Felicia Lynn', 'Flip Side', 'Flo Blue', 'Fox Hound', 'Good Time Charlie', 'Happy Harry', 'Helen With Love', 'Helen's Pick', 'Hello Sunshine', 'Home Town Hero', 'It', 'Itsa A Girl', 'Judge Mac', 'Kelat Kapers', 'Kelat Queen', 'Kelat Skies', 'Kelat Sunset', 'Kentucky Coal', 'Lena Mae', 'Lois Hill', 'Lot's Wife', 'Lovely Joan', 'Lovely Peggy', 'Lucinda Boyd', Mabel C', 'Marcella Parker', 'Martha C', 'Memphis Melody', 'Memphis Waltz', 'Mint Condition', 'Miss Brenda', 'Miss Kelat', 'Miss Lucie', 'Morgan Raider', 'Morning Red', 'Naru', 'Naughty But Nice', 'New Kinda Love', 'Orange Game'. 'Orange Gown', 'Oz', 'Peachtime', 'Pegasus Parade', 'Pert Posy', 'Plain And Fancy', 'Playback', 'Primpoise', 'Quiz Show', 'Recalled To Life', 'Sassafras Tea', 'Scooby Doo', 'Six Pack', 'Solid State', 'Song And Dance', 'String Music', 'Stygian Night', 'Sullivan's Travels', 'Sun Belt', 'Sunday Morning', 'Ta Da', 'Tennessee Star', 'Thank You Honey', 'Treasure Hunt', 'Uptown Pink', 'Voyager One', 'Watermelon Wine', 'Wine And Shine', 'Wyle Flash', 'Wyle Gypsy', 'Wyle Lilac', 'Wyle Rose', 'Wyle Swan', 'You Betcha', 'Zena'.

-- BobPries - 2012-05-18
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
GeorgeSlade.jpgjpg GeorgeSlade.jpg manage 6 K 27 Dec 2015 - 03:17 UnknownUser George Slade from Irises Bulletin Oct 1973
Topic revision: r8 - 07 Aug 2017, Harloiris
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