Hybridizer Hendree Paine Simpson

Arlington, Virginia, USA


Miniature Dwarf Bearded: 'Elfin White',

Intermediate Bearded: 'Aphrojune', 'Arabian Prince', 'Crystaline', 'Garden Yellow', 'Melrose', 'Montpelier', 'Topazin',

Siberian: 'Grey Prince',

Tall Bearded: 'Andalusia', 'Arlington', 'Bronze Glory', 'Calebee', 'Crystal Pink', 'Gamalia', 'Garden Yellow', 'Kenmore', 'Nancy Lea', 'Rozanna', 'Senatobia', 'Sunset Skies', 'Virginia White',

-- BobPries - 2012-05-18
Topic revision: r11 - 13 Dec 2017, BetsyHiggins
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