Hybridizer Irene Harper Silfies (1908-1969)

Shamokin, Pennsylvania, USA

From The Bulletin of the American Iris Society, No. 194(July 1969): Irene Silfies died April 7, 1969, after an eight month illness with cancer. She was an extremely dedicated irisarian, a member of MIS and AIS, and maintained a regional display garden where she lovingly grew an extensive collection of median and tall bearded irises for over thirty years. She was actively involved in Robin work all of her iris career and most recently served as General Hybridizing Chairman for the AIS Robin Program. Her hybridizing program was making notable advances in what she termed as her "gold or gilt-edged" blue lines. GILDED PIXIE and GOLD BRAID are irises that have been registered as a result of this breeding line. Seventeen other irises have been registered from her various breeding lines. Several of these are to be introduced into commerce and the proceeds donated to the Scientific Committee in her memory. Irene will be remembered with love and sadly missed by all.


Border Bearded: 'Bride To Be'.

Intermediate Bearded: 'Mayan Treasure', 'Shy Lassie',

Miniature Tall Bearded: 'Gilded Pixie'.

Standard Dwarf Bearded: 'Cream Butterfly', 'Fairy Song', 'Patsy Lou'.

Tall Bearded: 'Bill K', 'Gilded Satin', 'Goldie's Love', 'Lavender Wings', 'Mayan Queen', 'Millie Adams', 'My Fair Love', 'Patricia Bell', 'Providence', 'Rainbow Trail', 'Tama Ann'.

-- BobPries - 2012-05-18
Topic revision: r4 - 08 Dec 2017, DavidPotembski
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