
Hybridizers George (1916 - 1995), Roberta and Ben Shoop

Portland, Oregon, USA. Known to have introduced through Eden Road, Old Brook, Schreiner, etc.

George Shoop had a very small space where he did his work every year, but he did do some of the best work I've yet seen in person, or in catalogs. He was delayed by one year when he first started hybridizing, because he couldn't figure out why he wasn't getting anything by placing pollen on the beards. In his second year, he learned where on the iris to properly hybridize. He did alot of work on several different types of irises; his main area that he worked on was TB (Tall Bearded).

George Shoop received the Hybridizer Award in 1991.

List of Introductions/Registrations:

Pacific Coast Native: 'Pacific Snowflake',

Standard Dwarf Bearded: 'Arctic Blast', 'Bright Chic', 'Bright Vision', 'Fashion Bug', 'First Romance', 'Lisa Jane', 'Miss Sunshine', 'Pink Caper', 'Queen's Prize', 'Silken Sue', 'Small Reward', 'Three Tokens', 'Tickles', 'Tillie', 'Torchy',

Intermediate Bearded: 'Blushes', 'Dancin'', 'Hug A Bunch', 'Lemon Tease', 'New Kid', 'Royal Flirt', 'Snow Plum', 'Spring Dancer', 'Sunny Honey', 'Wee Lassie',

Border Bearded: 'Courtly Affair', 'Friday Surprise', 'Hula Hoop', 'Lucky Locket',

Tall Bearded: 'American Beauty' 1985, 'Behold' 1967, 'Blazing Light' 1983, 'Blending Moods' 1985, 'Blond Goddess' 1974, 'Blushing Duchess' 1990, 'Bright Fire' 1984, 'Bright Life' 1974, 'Bright Magic' 1963, 'Bright Sunset' 1973, 'Bright View' 1977, 'Bright World' 1961, 'China Dragon' 1979, 'Collector's Art' 1991, 'Color Bash' 1982, 'Color Magician' 1995, 'Contraband' 1975, 'Cranberry Surprise' 1988, 'Cream Beauty' 1984, 'Damsel' 1983, 'Dancing Wind' 1972, 'Deep Venture' 1982, 'Delphi' 1980, 'Dream Fashion' 1969, 'Dream Spinner' 1968, 'Dutch Magic' 1978, 'Early Surprise' 1985 , 'Fancy Lady' 1987 , 'Fancy Tales' 1980, 'Fantasy Lace' 1986, 'First Waltz' 1986, 'French Connection' 1987, 'Gay Image' 1970, 'Gay Time' 1964, 'Gay Whisper' 1965, 'Good Humor' 1999, 'Gypsy Dancer' 1966, 'Gypsy Dream' 1970, 'Gypsy Girl' 1977, 'Gypsy Rings' 1967, 'Hawaiian Queen' 1986, 'Hula Dancer' 1985, 'Hula Girl' 1981, 'Island Dancer' 1991, 'Island Girl' 1985, 'Kiss 'N Tell' 1968, 'La Parisienne' 1960, 'Last Laugh' 2000, 'Latin Lady' 1978, 'Latin Lover' 1969, 'Leading Light' 1999, 'Magic Fountain' 1993, 'May Dancer' 1967, 'May View' 1978, 'Ole' 1966, 'One Desire' 1960, 'Orange Burst' 1984, 'Parisian Flight' 1993, 'Peach Spot' 1973, 'Pink Bows' 1975, 'Pink Pleasure' 1979, 'Pretty Poise' 1965, 'Prince George', 'Private Treasure', 'Rave', 'Regal Affair', 'Ringo', 'Rival', 'Royal Host', 'Ruffled Florette', 'Santa', 'Sea Gypsy', 'Sea Quest', 'Sea Splash', 'Seaview', 'Snow Crown', 'Snow Peach', 'So Rare', 'Social Climber', 'Spanish Affair', 'Spanish Flair', 'Spanish Gift', 'Spanish Whim', 'Spring Pleasure', 'Spring Tidings', 'Summer Fashion', 'Sweet Caress', 'Today's Fashion', 'Tropical Magic', 'Twilight Blush', 'Viva', 'Winter Fire',

-- AdamCordes - 2012-01-19
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
GeorgeArthurShoop-AISBulletinOct1995.pdfpdf GeorgeArthurShoop-AISBulletinOct1995.pdf manage 380 K 05 Nov 2022 - 19:57 WayneMesser AIS Bulletin October 1995
Shoop_Cayeux_Jones_Hoage_Schreiner.jpgjpg Shoop_Cayeux_Jones_Hoage_Schreiner.jpg manage 84 K 15 Feb 2018 - 18:27 DavidPotembski AIS Bulletin 197(April 1970): 74.
Topic revision: r28 - 18 Sep 2024, EdenSprings
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