
Hybridizer Neva Sexton (1906-1985)

Wasco, California, USA

Neva Sexton won the American Dykes Medal in 1965 for 'Pacific Panorama, and in 1973 for 'New Moon'. She was awarded the American Iris Society Hybridizer Award in 1973.

List of registrations/introductions:

Tall Bearded: 'American Sweetheart' 1983, 'Arkansas Girl' 1982, 'Artist's Dream' 1965, 'Beauty Secret' 1966, 'By Request' 1962, 'Christening Party' 1974, 'County Down' 1965, 'Earth Angel' 1960, 'Evening in Paris' 1976, 'First Snow' 1966, 'Georgia Girl' 1971, 'Golden Empire' R.1965, 'Golden Sensation' 1967, 'Good Morning America' 1979, 'Goodnight Irene' 1971, 'Hall of Fame' 1972, 'Happy Bride' 1973, 'Happy Deb' 1962, 'Heaven's Own' 1966, 'Hidden Magic' 1966, 'Homecoming Queen' 1978, 'Jack R Dee' 1974, 'Joy of Springtime' 1980, 'Kimberlina' 1970, 'Magic Lady' 1977, 'Midnight Special' 1973, 'Miss Personality' 1977, 'Mixed Emotions' 1959, 'Moon River' 1963, 'Moonlight and Roses' 1967, 'Mr. Lincoln' 1972, 'My Desire' 1972, 'New Frontier' 1962, 'New Moon' 1968, 'New Tomorrow' 1981, 'Pacific Panorama' 1960, 'Party Princess' 1970, 'Peek A Blue' 1975, 'Pink N' Pretty' 1962, 'Pink Peace' 1971, 'Prince of Peace' 1980, 'Ruth's Love' 1962, 'Sea of Galilee' 1974, 'Shaft of Gold' 1976, 'Skylab' 1974, 'Small Talk' 1963, 'Spanish Street Song' 1974, 'Spiced Cider' 1989, 'Springtime Fantasy' 1969, 'Sunset Jubilee' 1975, 'Swing Shift' 1972, 'Taco Belle' 1978, 'Thanksgiving' 1976, 'Thorny Love' R.1960, 'Travel On' 1969, 'Westside Story' 1969, 'World News' 1977.
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NevaSextonAM.jpgjpg NevaSextonAM.jpg manage 17 K 28 Dec 2018 - 19:10 DavidPotembski AIS Bulletin 206(July 1972): 19. Neva Sexton with AM Award, Portland, OR, AIS Convention 1972.
Topic revision: r11 - 14 Mar 2022, EdenSprings
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