

Donald Saxton.jpg

Hybridizer Donald Saxton

Huntsville, Alabama, USA

Donald R. Saxton was born and raised in western New York and moved to Alabama following graduation from Purdue University and Iowa State University. He is an advanced systems project engineer at the Marshall Space Flight Center, NASA, Huntsville, Alabama. He became interested in growing irises 12 years ago when he moved next door to Past-President of AIS, Bill Bledsoe. He has served as Vice-Chairman of Region 24 and President of the Huntsville Chapter of the AIS. He is a charter member of the Reblooming Iris Society. The Saxtons grow about 300 named varieties and 500 seedlings. They have two children, Karen (13), and Sheila (10), both of whom are active in the Huntsville Junior Iris Society. [“New Regional Vice Presidents.” The Bulletin of the American Iris Society #208(January 1973): 18.]


Border Bearded: 'Spaceflight',

Tall Bearded: 'Agenda' 1986, 'Heart of Dixie' 1979, 'Lifestyle' 1980, 'Liftoff' 1979, 'Logic' 1984, 'Profile' 1982, 'Rationale' 1983, 'Spacelab' 1983, 'Strategy' 1979, 'Synopsis' 1981, 'Synthesis' R.1986,

-- BobPries - 2012-05-18
Topic revision: r5 - 04 Apr 2024, DavidPotembski
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