Hybridizer Henry Rowlan --(1920-1999)

Little Rock, Arkansas, USA

see also: In Memoriam - Henry Rowlan (Society for Louisiana Irises which no longer works. (Now available at this link in the Wayback Machine.)
There also is a fresh link and a different photo on the Society for Louisiana Irises at: Henry Rowlan -- In Memoriam


Border Bearded: 'Rare Luck'

Intermediate Bearded: 'Little Luke',

Louisianas: 'Baylou Bluebird', 'Bayou Charm', 'Bayou Dawn', 'Bayou Honey', 'Bayou Rose', 'Bayou Vixen', 'Bayou Waters', 'Black Rhapsody', 'Bold Copy', 'Bronze Trophy', 'Cajun Angel', 'Cajun Belle', 'Cajun Love', 'Cajun Rose', 'Flame On', 'Francois', 'Frank Chowning', 'Idle Gossip', 'Lake Winona', 'News Brief', 'No Data', 'Pink Poetry', 'Plain Talk', 'Red Dawn', 'Red Echo', 'Rocky Marriage', 'Royal Dandy', 'Royal Delight', 'Royal Embrace', 'Royal Imp', 'Royal Love', 'Royal Sparkle', 'Ruby's Love', 'Sea Wisp', Smoke And Flame', 'Spanish Sunrise', 'Spanish Sunset', 'Styletime', 'Sunny Angel', 'Sunny Episode', 'Sunny Miss', 'Sunny Mood', 'Twirling Ballerina', 'Upbeat', 'Valencia Vanity', 'Voodoo Magic', 'Voodoo Music', 'Voodoo Queen', 'Voodoo Rite', 'Voodoo Song', 'Wild Cajun', 'Winter's Angel', 'Winter's Encore', 'Winter's Frost', 'Winter's Snow', 'Winter's Veil'.

Miniature Tall Bearded: 'Chatter Line', 'Little Rock Celebrity', 'Little Rock Princess', 'Petite Doll', 'Petite Lady', 'Petite One', 'Sea Baby', 'Si Si',

Spuria: 'Laced Coffee', 'Social Lady'.

Tall Bearded: 'Angel's Fire', 'Angel's Snow', 'Angel's Veil', 'Arkansas Skies', 'Astro Flight', 'Belle Of Harding', 'Carrie Lou Little', 'Choctaw Autumn', 'Cosmic Blue', 'Cosmic Punch', 'Cosmic Skies', 'Cosmic Storm', 'Cosmic Sun', 'Cosmic White', 'Dragon Song', 'Flag of Truce', 'Gala Angel', 'Gala Delight', 'Gertie', 'Golden Act', 'Horns of Plenty', 'Hula Angel', 'Hula Dawn', 'Hula Delight', 'Hula Honey', 'Hula Moon', 'Jan Burt', 'Jimmy Carr', 'Lemon Twizzler', 'Louise Ganus', 'Savage Moon', 'Snow Face', 'Space Angel', 'Space Belle', 'Space Charm', 'Space Dawn', 'Space Gala', 'Space Mirage', 'Space Storm', 'Space Walk', 'Spanish Angel', 'Taffy Daffy', 'Tiger Talk', 'Tornado Cloud', 'Viking's Gold', 'Wava Flag.,

-- BobPries - 2012-05-18
Topic revision: r34 - 14 Feb 2023, TerryLaurin
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