Hybridizer Elizabeth Rieniets

Grand Junction, Colorado, USA

Border Bearded: 'Amber Luster', 'Buttercream Pie', 'Cherry Coffee', 'Heaven For Bees', 'Illuminate Me', 'Journey Through Time', 'Lolly Lion', 'Mad About Maddie', 'Mystical Journey', 'Petal Power', 'Seamstress',

Intermediate Bearded:  'Daybreak Over The Rockies', 'Dramatist', 'Dream Garden', 'Flower Symphony', 'Jazz Artist', 'Loyal Royal', 'Rebel Princess', 'Saturday Delight', 'Turn Down the Lights', 'Wildlife', 'Wizard's Potion'

Miniature Dwarf Bearded: 'Alpine Aestival', 'Babelicious', 'Baroque Festival', 'Buckle Bunny', 'Cheepin' Chick', 'Créme Cups', 'Cute Li'l Guy', 'Enviously Elite', 'Fair Haired Child', 'Family Heirloom', 'Garnet's Delight', 'Happy Lights', 'Happy To Love', 'I Heart You', 'Innocent Imp', 'Ivory Crown', 'Kiss An Angel', 'Kitema', 'Lamsey Love', 'Mandy's Baby Blankie', 'Mini Mouse Ears', 'Myth Buster', 'Naivete', 'People Will Talk', 'Petaloso', 'Picnic Pixie', 'Poisette', 'Quaint Cupie Doll', 'Quidnunc', 'Rufflelicious', 'Sunny Spirit', 'Swanky Sportster', 'Sweet Spell', 'Ticklish Tyke', 'Tweenie', 'Two Cream Tea', 'Veleta', 'Velvet Promise', Wee Peeper', 'Wee Whimsey', 'Xoxo', 'Yokel'.

Miniature Tall Bearded: 'Cherry Chocolate Bonbons', 'Dizzy Dancer', 'Dotstorm', 'Little Hero', 'Golden Zoe', 'Hot Stuff', 'Miraculous Molly', 'Over Achiever', 'Plum Delightful', 'Proper Limey', 'Sunshine and Shadows',

Standard Dwarf Bearded: 'Amber Luster', 'Art Effects', 'Bee Friendly', 'Beguile Me', 'Bling A Ring', 'Blonde In Denim', , Blonde's Best', 'Buff Bruiser', 'Celtic Mist', 'Cloudbuster', 'Clown Act', 'Clownish Imp', 'Cotton Candy Sunrise', 'Cream On Top' 'Decoupage Artistry', 'Earth Child', 'Elf's Cap', 'Eye Popper', 'Fairly Blessed', 'Fanciful Dreamer', 'Friend Of Mine', 'Friendly Reminder', 'Glitterama', 'Green Chili', 'Herkle', 'Hug Me Tight', 'Irish Treasure', 'Kid In Calico', 'Kim's Baby Blanket', 'Light Up Your Day', 'Little Sumpin', 'Lyrical Moment', 'Mini Macho', 'Misty Magic', 'New Mex Sunrise', 'One Moment Please', 'Over The Moon', 'Peek and Seek' 'Perfect Animal', 'Phantom Shadow', 'Pinkie Pie', 'Pippa', 'Quemando', 'Quick Critter', 'Raspberry Ruckus', 'Reigning Royalty', 'Reserved Wildlife', 'Rhyme Royal', 'Seismic Event', 'Show Glow', 'Shy About You', 'Skinny Dip Pond', 'Snooty Pants', 'Solo Dancer', 'Spring Creek', 'Tropical Rain Forest', 'Twirly Girl', 'Verdant Spring', 'Wild Wizard', 'Worth A Thousand Words', 'Youth's Blush', 'Yumsome Wonder', 'Zuni Thundercloud'.

Tall Bearded Bearded: 'Bee's Delight', 'Caught Dreaming', 'Crepe Paper Artistry', 'Dressed To Dance', 'Flower Fever', 'Rodeo Rebel', 'Romantic Comedy',

-- BobPries - 2012-05-18
Topic revision: r107 - 24 Aug 2024, BobPries
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