

Hybridizer Gerald Richardson

Rainbows End Garden, Richland, Washington, USA

Gerald has been hybridizing since 1955, but didn't get anything interesting until 1961. He grew iris for many years, and then learned how to introduce them (get them to the public for sale). His first introduction was in 1992, called Rainbow's End. Several of his iris have received Awards of Merit (AM) and also HM (Honorable Mentions). His current irises are available through Rockytop Gardens.


Border Bearded: 'Evelyn Rose',

Tall Bearded: 'Angels In Snow', 'Angler Fish', 'Aunt Lucy', 'Bev', 'Bev's Babe' 'Blockbuster', 'Blueberry Fudge', 'Blued Indigo', 'Carousel of Dreams', 'Circus Top', 'Clouds Of Glory', 'Clyde', 'Crimson Tiger', 'Crimson Tiger Too', 'Danse Macabre', 'Day's Gone By', 'Demonic', 'Desert Mesa', 'Don', 'Donaghcloney', 'Dusky He-Man', 'Elsie Richardson', 'Emilo', 'Escalator Up', 'Gilt-Edged Bond', 'Golden Legacy', 'Grace Whittemore', 'He-Man Blues', 'Infernal Fire', 'Irene Frances', 'Ivory Ghost', 'Jim', 'La Mer', 'Lucille Richardson', 'Magheralin', 'New Age Dawning', 'Nora Eileen', 'Nora's Thrill', 'Perrymount', 'Pinkablue', 'Rainbow's End', 'Royal Vestments', 'Run Deep', 'Santa Bounce', 'Santa's Elves', 'Senior Moment', 'Skyland Ranch', 'Smoking Embers', 'Spring Social', 'String of Pearls', 'Sunset Storm', 'Surfer's Dream', 'T-Rex', 'Tea Service', 'Temple of Lights', 'Tullyherron', 'Virginia Bauer',
Topic revision: r18 - 24 Nov 2018, BetsyHiggins
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