Hybridizer Darlene Pinegar

Spanish Fork, Utah, USA


Arilbred: 'Aladdin's Treasure'.

Border Bearded: 'Alicia Ann', 'Allison Elizabeth', 'Little Dazzler', 'Over The Rainbow', 'Pixie Tales', 'Raspberry Lace', 'Silver Moondance', 'Victorian Charmer'.

Intermediate Bearded: 'Sugar Snaps'.

Standard Dwarf Bearded: 'Baby Brown Eyes', 'Gizmo The Gremlin', 'Sophistikitty'.

Tall Bearded: 'Abigail Nicole', 'Angel's Blush', 'Argentine Tango', 'Ashleigh Nicole', 'Barbara's Jeff', 'Blue Fire', 'Blueberries And Cream', 'Blushing Rose', 'Brassy Bugler', 'Caramel Confection', 'Cheryl Lynn', 'Cheyenne Warrior', 'Christian', 'Color Me Pink', 'Courtney Alexis', 'Crown Of Isis', 'Dark Passage', 'Darktown Strutter's Ball', 'Dazzle Time', 'Debbennie Kaylyn', 'Desert Mystery', 'Dorothea Irene', 'Eternal Embrace', 'Extra Innings', 'Frills And Flounces', 'Funny Valentine', 'Gaucho Serenade', 'Gina The Gypsy', 'Glowing Clouds', 'Goddess Of Love', 'Golden Mistress', 'Grandma's Bloomers', 'Grape Echo', 'Havana Revels', 'Hawaiian Moonlight', 'Indian Canyon', 'Jazz Champs', 'Jil Lyn', 'Jupiter's Joy', 'Korean Beauty', 'Korean Cutie', 'Lakota Warrior', 'Lame Array', 'Lava Stream', 'Leslie Dawn', 'Lovely Jennifer', 'Maile's Moment', 'Makenna', 'Marilyn Renee', 'Marion Carroll', 'McKenzie', 'Michele Marise', 'Miss Sara', 'Misty Breanne', 'Mystery Story', 'Night Squall', 'Peacock Dandy', 'Pure Charm', 'Raquelle Anne', 'Red Hot Marge', 'Rock Candy Mountain', 'Sacia Rose', 'Sara's Beauty', 'Shadow Time', 'Simply Stunning', 'Sister-My-Karen', 'Solar Sprinkles', 'Solar System Special', 'Someone Cares', 'Somewhere In Time', 'Son's Delight', 'Space Station', 'Spanish Ice', 'Spanish Skies', 'Summer Joy', 'Sunset Fog', 'Surf Spray', 'Suzanne Darlene', 'Suzi's Sunshine', 'Sweet Savannah', 'Tanner', 'Time Traveler', 'Timpanogos Princess', 'Timpanogos Snows', 'Tracy's Sunshine', 'Tuxedo Junction', 'Wasatch Wonder'.
Topic revision: r8 - 02 Jul 2015, BetsyHiggins
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