Hybridizer Robert Piątek

Dot ComJazwin, Poland
See: IRIS et BULBEUSES: n°163, 2013, pp. 29-36.

Robert Piatek and his garden:
Robert My varieties
See below:

Registrations and Introductions

Border Bearded: 'Fantasy Dream', 'Heavenly Kiss', 'Poland Star', 'Shadows On The Wind',

Intermediate Bearded: 'Navy Trampoline', 'Never Look Back',

Miniature Dwarf Bearded: 'China Eye',

Standard Dwarf Bearded: 'Absolem', 'Apricot Tea', 'Arafatka', 'Avalon Wine', 'Baby Babushka', 'Barbidur', 'Barsoom, 'Bathyscaphe', 'Beetroot Boy', 'Be Happy Always', 'Blue Hope', 'Bursztynek', 'Bushman', 'Calineczka', 'Castelan Sun', 'Ciamajda', 'Ciastek', 'Cloud Hunter', 'Conquest Of Paradise', 'Coral Wine', 'Coralgol', 'Crazy Zones', 'Cytrynek', 'Czarna Perla', 'Czeresienka', 'Didzej', 'Dirty Smile', 'Dublerka', 'Duma Jazwinu', 'Dzwoneczek', 'Elf Kiss', 'Forest Sound', Forest Triangle', 'Fozzie', 'Gigi Italiano', 'Grafon', 'Gzegzolka', 'Hafananana', 'Hobbitek Qu', 'Honey Elf', 'I'm Groot', 'Inspector Columbo', 'Jabdah', 'Jagodka', 'Jean's Elf', 'Jolmen', 'Joy In Bangkok', 'Just Tik Tak', 'Kasztanek', 'Klik Klik', 'Koleźka', 'Krasnal', 'Kropla Deszczu', 'Laluś'. 'Łasuch', 'Lawendek','Lilu Czar Jazwinu', 'Loss Of Time', 'Lunar Trail', 'Machoke', 'Magmer', 'Makrokosmos', 'Maly Filozof', 'Maly Przyjaciel', 'Mapet', 'Marzyciel', 'Master of Chocolate', 'Maźoretka', 'Mini Hill', 'Mini Mido', 'Mini World', 'Mirabelka', 'Mobi', 'Neony Warszawy', 'Nidoking', Nidoran', 'Niziołek', 'Olive Master', 'Pan Hawranek', 'Pastylka', 'Paz Krolowej', 'Peppa', 'Perelka', 'Perfect Elf', 'Picachoo', 'Pipi Lotta', 'Plamka', 'Polish Attache', 'Pracus', 'Princess Vanellope', 'Purple Sunrise', 'Ralph Demolka', 'Ratatuj', 'Red Hood', 'Selfik', 'Sky of Forest', 'Smerfetka', 'Śmiałek', 'Śnieżynka', 'Spiderstone', 'Spinarak', 'Stokrotek', 'Super Mario', 'Tabaluga', 'Tension Lines', 'Thunderbaby', 'Two Islands', 'Under Ice', 'Usterka', 'Vaiana', 'Vexa', 'Wazniak', 'Wisienka', 'Zonk', 'Zgrywus'

Tall Bearded A-L: 'Aaricia', 'Acrux', 'Action Detective', 'Allys', 'Allysa's Dream', 'Alpha Project', 'Alphaville', 'Amethyst Storm', 'A Question Of TIme', 'Arc Of Life', 'Arcyklejnot', 'Arktyczne Wrota', 'Atlantis Waves', 'Atomic Rider', 'Atramentowe Serce', 'August Day', 'Bajarz Z Jazlandu', 'Bajkopisarz', 'Ballet Master', 'Balloon Race', 'Beyond The Future', 'Beyond The Land', 'Birth Of Star', 'Blue Tango Surfing', 'Bodyguard', 'Born To Feel', 'Buffalo Cheero', 'Butterfly Concert', 'Candy Loves Allys', 'Captain Quell', 'Catch the Dream', 'Celtic Tattoo', 'Chacco Amicor', 'Chaco Chaco', 'Cheri Cherry Lady', 'Chocolate Note', 'Ciao Avventura', 'Cinnamon Hills', 'Cloudy Afternoon', 'Color Poker', 'Come Back Melody', 'Computerized Love', 'Control Of Dream', 'Cosmic Dreams', 'Cosmic Promise', 'Cracow Sunset', 'Crazy Dreamer', 'Czarodziej', 'Czarodziejka', 'Czeresniowy Sad', 'Dama Dworu', 'Dancing Forest Nymphs', 'Dangerous Horizon', 'Danse Polonaise', 'Day By Day', 'Delicious Surprise', 'Diamond Queen's', 'District Of Katniss', 'Divided Mist', 'Dragonborn', 'Dragon Empress', 'Drwal', 'Dune Desert', 'Ecuadorean', 'Eighteen', 'Elasko Cheero', 'Empire Of Angels', 'Endriu', 'Erebor', 'Etsitu', 'Euphoria of Pink', 'Every Day In Love', 'Exit Eden', 'Fajter', 'Falcon Force', 'Faraonka', 'Faworyt', 'February Day', 'Flames Of Love', 'Flushed Cheek', 'Fogginess', 'Forest Edge', 'Four Suns', 'Free Wind', 'Frozen In Time', 'Frozen Odyssey','Gangster Love', 'General Blue', 'Get My Heart', 'Giewont Ridge', 'Gimme Your Love', 'Gniew Oceanu', 'Grey Eminence', 'Gwiazdor', 'Gwiezdny Pyl', 'Hala Kulik', 'Handful Of Darkness', 'Happy In Dots', 'Heaven And Hell', 'Henio', 'Hero Piegus', 'Hicior', 'Highland Indian Summer', 'Horizon Rim', 'Hurricane Of Desire', 'Hymn Of Glory', 'Hyperion Memories', 'Hyperion Voice', 'Hypnotic Tango', 'Ice Cliff', 'Icy Big Hill', 'Illusion Of Light', 'Imagination Time', 'Independence of Poland', 'Indianka', 'Invisible Smile', 'Invitation To Poland', 'In Your City', 'Iseem Jumper', 'Italian Apricot', 'Jadzia', 'Jantar', 'Jaskolka', 'Jazwin', 'Just Carry On', 'Karmelowy Pocałunek', 'Kiss Of Africa', 'Kiss Of Sky', 'Kiss The Storm', 'Kolorowy Wiatr', 'Konferansjer', 'Kosmyk Slońca', 'Król Świtu', 'Ksiaze Z Lasu', 'Księżna Opolska', 'Księżniczka Marsa', 'Kusy', 'Lady of the Stream', 'Lambada Dancing', 'La Quebrada', 'Laserdance', 'Last Sky', 'Latarnik', 'Late Sunrise', 'Lavender Lake', 'Lavender Sweet Dessert', 'Lisowczyk', 'Looking At Kat', 'Longing for the Spring', 'Lord Of Skyline', 'Lord Of The Forest', 'Lost Tale', 'Love Chords', 'Love For Peach', 'Love In Stars', 'Luciolla', 'Lucky Talisman', 'Lullaby In The Wind',

Tall Bearded M-Z: 'Magic Of Love', 'Major Sip', 'Malinowy Sasha', 'Mandarin Sky', 'Matka Theresa', 'Maxisingiel', 'Me and You', 'Medieval Legend', 'Menthol Atmosphere', 'Milky Land', 'Miss Obiektywu', 'Mister of Neptune', 'Misty Bay', 'Moment Of Oblivion', 'Moments From The Kazan', 'Moonstone Mirror, 'Morning Coffee', 'Mountain Adventure', 'Mroczny Rycerz', 'Music Fantasy', 'My Different Story', 'Mysterious Girl', 'Mystery Ellipsis', 'Mystical Bravery', 'Mystique Lunar', 'My Wanted Star', 'Nature Whispers', 'Nebula Tryton's', 'Niebosklon', 'Nightlife Tour', 'November Wind', 'Oasis Of Calm', 'Ocean Princess', 'Och I Ach', 'Osmunda Healer', 'Owl Show', 'Oxygene', 'Painted By the Rain', 'Paradaise Temtation', 'Party Makeup', 'Paryzanka', 'Perfume For You', 'Perla Oceanu', 'Perlowowlosa', 'Personal Elegy', 'Pierscien Saltoro', 'Pistachio Land', 'Pocalunek Nocy', 'Polish Debutante', 'Polish Fashion Scream', 'Polish Gypsy', 'Północny Wiatr', 'Polski Tancerz', 'Pompeii Day After', 'Portevas', 'Poster Boy', 'Predator', 'Princess In Dance', 'Princess Of Barsoom', 'Princess Of Jazland', 'Promised Kiss', 'Przystojniak', 'Pustynnik', 'Queen of Dew', 'Queen of My Heart', 'Quilting Hawk', 'Rebirth of Love', 'Redhead Cowgirl', 'Riddick', 'Running Love', 'Runway Sun', 'Sandman Sunny', 'Scandia', 'Scotch Drink', 'Scouting', 'Seaplane', 'Secret Land', 'Secret News', 'Secret Tomorrow', 'Sequence In Music', 'Sexy Lady', 'Shamanka Drago', 'Sheet Of Ice', 'Shine From Inside', 'Silesian Fojerman', 'Sky Atlas', 'Sky Two Worlds', 'Slonce Jazwinu', 'Smak Wyobrazni', 'Smoky Romance', 'Snow Passenger', 'Sonic Efekt', 'Spacewalk To Venus', 'Spanish Strong Coffee', 'Staniszczanin', 'Starkiller', 'Stopczas', 'Straznik Raju', 'Summer Frolic', 'Summer In Warsaw', 'Summertime Show', 'Sunny Riverbank', 'Sun Of Jamaica', 'Super Trouper', 'Surfling In the Clouds', 'Symfonika', 'Symphony Sound', 'Szeryf', 'Szlachcic', 'Taste Of Love', 'Tempting Candy', 'Tension Lines', 'Time For Kiss', 'Time Moonlight', 'Titanic Is Alive', 'Titanic Story', 'Toffee Vamp', 'Touch of Sound', 'Trip North', 'Uwodzicie', 'Vampire Romance', 'Victory of Love', 'Viking Ocean', 'Volare Sky', Volcanic Star', 'Waldbahn Malapane', 'Wandering Mist', 'Warrior Boy Tronic' 'Welcome To Alaska', 'We'll Meet In Dream', 'Western Of Sands', 'Wezuwiusz', 'Whisky Glass', 'Wichry Namietnosci', 'Wild Boy', 'Wild Duran', 'Winter Dynasty', 'Winter Spell', 'Witchqueen', 'Wladca Mgie', 'Wladca Gwiazd', 'Wloszka', 'Wrozka', 'Wrzosowisko', 'Yesterday's Melody', 'You Between Lives', 'Young Gandalf', 'You Remember This', 'You're Silence My Secret', 'Youthful Madness', 'Zaczarowana', 'Zdzichu', 'Zegarmistrz Swiatla Purpurowy', 'Zirocco Air', 'Zlodziejka Serc', 'Zlote Łany', 'Zwiadowca'.

Iris publications:

  • 2014: La culture des Iris Barbus en Pologne; IRIS et BULBEUSES n° 164, pp. 39-47.
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My_garden_of_iris_and_wife_Jola_edited1.jpgjpg My_garden_of_iris_and_wife_Jola_edited1.jpg manage 71 K 16 Dec 2010 - 16:05 BobPries Piatek photo of wife and garden
My_variety_of_irises.jpgjpg My_variety_of_irises.jpg manage 69 K 16 Dec 2010 - 16:05 BobPries Piatek photo
Robert_edited.jpgjpg Robert_edited.jpg manage 65 K 16 Dec 2010 - 16:06 BobPries Piatek photo
Topic revision: r265 - 25 Sep 2024, BrewItt
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