Hybridizer Amos Perry --(1871-1953)

Amos Perry


….Amos Perry, V.M.H., Perry's Hardy Plant Farm, Enfield, Middlesex, England. One of the most celebrated nurseries in the world. Mr. Perry's father and grandfather were partners in the old firm of R. S. Ware at Tottenham, an outstanding nursery of its day, noted for the raising and introduction of new plants, among which were many Irises of all groups, especially Japanese. These varieties were among the best of their period and some are still in the trade, such as 'Gracchus'. Mr. Perry was active in raising new Irises about 1916-1917, putting out splendid varieties that have been ancestors of many of the best we have today, as 'Black Prince', from which descended the 'Dominion' race. His most unique activities in Iris raising are the Beardless hybrids, crosses between widely separated groups etc., making new sections or Iris races, as 'Chrysowegii', 'Bullegraphes', 'Delfor', 'Tewat', etc.
….Among these, 'Margot Holmes' won a British Dykes Medal. There are really hundreds of good Iris varieties which have been produced by Mr. Perry and, in later years he has raised a great many magnificent Day Lilies and Oriental Poppies, not to mention all the fine Asters, Deiphiniums and other hardy plants the horticultural world owes to him. He also has written a superb, illustrated book-catalogue, "Water Plants," without doubt the most complete and charming brochure devoted to one horticultural subject. A great many catalogues on different sets of plants are issued by this firm, a very good one being "Hardy and Exotic Ferns," of which there is a remarkable collection in this nursery, as there is also of bog and water-plants. They listed Irises in 1906 and the Iris catalogue began in 1923. The list of plants produced and introduced by this firm is an imposing one and should be published as a record of value to horticulture. Mr. Perry received the Victoria Medal of Honour in Horticulture in 1935.

The Randolph Perry Medal, the highest award given only to Iris species hybrids was named in his honor.

Perry's species introduction 'Margot Holmes' was awarded the first British Dykes Medal ever presented (1927); and his TB 'G. P. Baker' earned a Dykes in 1930.

Amos Perry's autobiographical sketch from the BIS 1946 Year Book may be found here.

The Following is the obituary of Amos Perry's Father who was also a great plantsman:
The Gardens' Chronicle, June 14, 1913

We regret to record the death of Mr. Amos Perry, Nurseryman which took place on Tuesday last at his home in Enfield. He had not enjoyed good health for two years, and death resulted from heart failure, following Bright's Disease and dropsy.
....Mr. Perry was born on Sept. 22, 1841, and started life in the scholastic profession, but after serving his apprentice ship as pupil teacher, his health failed and his medical adviser advised him to leave this country. Instead of doing this he secured employment in Messrs. Wingfield's Nursery, Gloucester, adopting the profession of his forebears-his grandfather was a foreman at Messrs. Veitch's Nursery, Exeter, and his father was Rose-grower at Messrs. Ware's nursery, Tottenham He stayed only a short time at Gloucester, and he returned home, finding work under his father at The Hale Farm Nurseries. Mr. Perry remained with the firm of Messrs. T. S. Ware for twenty-five years. He became a partner in the firm, which then consisted of Messrs. Ware, Fells, and Perry.
....Mr. Perry was among the first to recognize the value of hardy flowers. He made a collection of all the best subjects he could secure and entered a group of them at one of the meetings of the Royal Horticultural Society. But hardy plants were not in favour; the superintendent of the Show, Mr. Eyles was disinclined to find space for them, but finally allotted room in an out of the way corner amongst the exhibit's of sundries. Mr. Perry continued to work amongst his favourite flowers, and made journeys to the Continent in search of novelties. He visited the Pyrenees in 1870 and brought home many interesting plants including-Ramondia pyrenaica alba, Primula integrifolia alba, gentiana verna alba, a double flowered gentian, which however did not survive the journey, and Anthericum liliastrum major.
....Mr. Perry severed his connection with his old firm in 1894 and commenced a business of his own account at Winchmore Hill, where he engaged in Carnation growing. But the soil of the nursery was unsuited to these plants, and he turned again to his favourite hardy plants and Alpines. So successful was his business that the Winchmore nursery became too small and he removed to 30 acres of ground at Enfield. Amongst the many plants which Mr. Perry introduced to commerce are the following: Echinacea purpurea Winchmore Hill var.; Phlox canadensis Perry's var.; Spiraea rivularis gigantea; Chrysanthemum maximum grandiflorum, Achillea Perry's White; Sparaxis pulcherrima, Anchusa italica Perry's var.; Spiraea venusta, Helenium pumilum magnificum; Aster Amellus Perry's Favourite, the first pink variety of this flower.
....He received numerous awards for novelties in Irises, Poppies, Geums, Heucheras, Delphiniums, Phloxes, Asters and hardy flowers. Mr. Perry retired from active business some two years ago and during his leisure he has raised thousands of seedling Liliums, Sporaxis, Delphiniums and Poppies in his garden. At one time he contributed articles to the horticultural Press, and many contributions from his pen have been published in these pages. He leaves a widow, two sons and three daughters; both sons are engaged in the business, which will be carried on under its present name. The funeral took place at Enfield Cemetery on the 13th inst.


Intermediate Bearded: 'Aphylla Osiris' 'Black Prince', 'Bluestone', 'Cengialti Minor', 'Cengialti Nancy', 'Dido', 'Gorgeous', 'Her Majesty', 'Lachesis', 'Osis', 'Perry's Favourite', 'Silverdale'.

Japanese: 'Desdemona', 'Funkoka', 'Hendersoni', 'Silver Moonlight', 'Susan Davis',

Miniature Dwarf Bearded:  'Barbara Perry', 'Blue Beard', 'Bosniaca Major', 'Canary Bird', 'Curiosity', 'Golden Ball', 'Golden Dwarf', 'Harlequin', 'Leander', 'Pandora', 'Princess Louise', 'Rivoire', 'Sambo', 'Standard', 'Thora Perry'.

Miniature Tall Bearded:  'Geomori',

Pacific Coast Native: 'Dougbract', 'Dougbractifor', 'Douglasiana Alba', 'Douglasiana Rosea', 'Dougtenax', 'Har Ten', 'Marion', 'Tebract', 'Tebract Brilliant', 'Tenax Excelsior', 'Tenax Purple Queen' 'Tewat', 'Watbract'.

Siberian: 'Blue Bird', 'Blush White', 'Bullegraphes', 'Chrysofor', 'Chrysofor Bronze Queen', 'Chrysofor Canary', 'Chrysofor Delicata', 'Chrysofor Gloriosa', 'Chrysofor Maggie', 'Chrysofor Marion', 'Chrysofor Nancy', 'Chrysofor Peggy', 'Chrysofor Primrose Queen'. 'Chrysofor Purpurea', 'Chrysofor Sunrise', 'Chrysofor Thelma', 'Chrysogana', 'Chrysogana Purpurea', 'Delfor', 'Dougraphes', 'Florrie Ridler', 'Jenkinsii', 'Lady French', 'Lady Godiva', 'Lady Northcliffe', 'Marcus Perry', 'Mrs. Bevan', 'Mrs. Gray Hill', 'Mrs. Perry', 'Mrs. Rowe', 'Mrs. Saunders', 'Nora Distin', 'Nurse Cavell', 'Peggy Perry', 'Perry's Blue', 'Perry's Favourite', 'Perry's Pigmy', 'Peter Pan', 'Roger Perry',

Species: 'Arkanensis', 'Gracilipes Alba', 'Indianensis', 'Kermesina', 'Laevigata Semperflorens', 'Pseudacorus Alba', 'Stylosa Superba'.

Species Hybrids: 'Chrysofor', 'Longsib', 'Longwat', 'Margot Holmes', 'Monwat'.

Spuria: 'Juno'.

Tall Bearded: 'Abdera', 'Abenda', 'Achates', 'Albatross', 'Ambrose Wiseman', 'Ammon', 'Amy Brandon Thomas', 'Anoba', 'Arenda', 'Audrey Kittow', 'Aviator', 'Banbo', 'Bardeleys', 'Batulus', 'Bazaria', 'Belladonna', 'Bellona', 'Benoni', Benrimo', 'Bernard Galloway', 'Billio', 'Buttercup', 'Cassandra', 'Cathoris', 'Cengialti Purpurea', 'Cengialti Thalia', 'Chas E. Shea', 'Clara Curtis', 'Clinton Baker', 'Col. Cuthbert James', 'Crimped Beauty', 'Crimson Glow', 'Cybele', 'Dainty Maid', 'Dejah', 'Deucalion', 'Donna Nook', 'Dorothy Rowe', 'Duke of York', 'E. A. Bowles', 'Eden Philpotts', 'Emily Phillpotts', 'Enid', Edna Mercia', 'Erato', 'Ernest Bigland', 'Feronia', 'Fire King', 'Florence Bigland', 'Franklin Beynon', 'G. P. Baker', 'George Yeld', 'Georgina Tinley', 'Gladys', 'Gladys Roberts', 'Golden Spire', 'Grand Master', 'Grey Ghost', 'Hadabra', 'Hakador', 'Harpalion', 'Helio', 'Helvetia', 'Hemodus', 'Henkler', 'Hestiones', 'Hollies', 'Ianthea', 'Incomparable', 'Ivy Isobel Logan', 'J.C. Weld', 'Joan Curtis', 'Kate Hayter Reed', 'King George', 'Kulan Tith', 'Lady Charles Allom', 'Lady Hillingdon', 'Lady Jellicoe', 'Lady Sackville', 'Lambrus', 'Lilt'. 'Lord Lambourne', 'Maiden's Blush', 'Marie Poole', 'Mary Brailsford', 'Mary Gibson', 'May Sadler', 'Mecella', 'Melpomene', 'Mentor', 'Mestor', 'Miss Doris Cranfield', 'Miss Eardley', 'Miss Jessop', 'Miss Paget', 'Miss Pomeroy', 'Miss Rowe', 'Mona', 'Mrs' Bradshaw', 'Mrs. Brailsford', 'Mrs. Charles Pearson', 'Mrs. E. T. Vieusseux', 'Mrs. Edward Harding', 'Mrs. Gerald Howse', 'Mrs. H. F. Bowles', 'Mrs. H. Stafford'. 'Mrs. Hettie Matson', 'Mrs. Kingscote', 'Mrs. M. Manning', 'Mrs. Marion Cran', 'Mrs. Maurice Prichard', 'Mrs. Nandy Hoskins', 'Mrs. Perry', 'Mrs. Robert Emmet', 'Mrs. Ryder', 'Mrs. Stern', 'Mrs. W. Cuthbertson', 'Muzeris', 'Nagara', 'Nemoralia', 'Odessus', 'Olive Murrell', 'Olympus', 'Palemon', 'Pallida Minor', 'Peach Blossom', 'Pegasus', 'Pelopidas', 'Pyrrha', 'Queen Mary', 'Quinda', 'Reggie', 'Robert W. Wallace', 'Ruby Perry', 'Ruby Red by Perry', 'Sarsandra', 'School Girl', 'Sheldrake', 'Silver Queen', 'Sirdar', 'Sunkist', 'Sweetheart', 'Tangerine', 'Telemus', 'The Czar', 'The Queen', 'Thelma Perry', 'Titus', 'Trent', 'Troades', 'Verity', W C Terry', 'W J Wernham', 'Wayland Cowley', 'William Marshall', 'Wrath', 'Xenon'. 'Zilia'.
Topic revision: r68 - 10 Sep 2022, EdenSprings
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