
Hybridizer Luella Noyd (1903-1980)¹

Wenatchee, Washington, USA

She was the second of three hybridizers featured in World of Irises, July 22, 2019, Jean Richter, "Three Twentieth Century Women Iris Hybridizers", retrieved January 26, 2020.


Arilbred: 'Albino Girl'; 'Chartreuse Butterfly'; 'Jazz Baby', 'Pink Mauve Mohr', 'Striped Butterfly', 'Teacher's Pet', 'Worthy',

Border Bearded: 'Edge of Night', 'Knee High', 'Loverly', 'Native Daughter', 'Pride of Ireland', Ultima', 'Valiant Ola', 'Vibrant Charm'.

Intermediate Bearded: 'Cool',

Tall Bearded: 'A. Z. Wells', 'Advancement', 'Angel Lace', 'Angela Mia', 'Apple Capital', 'Apple Cup', 'Apricot Dancer', 'Apricot Dream', 'Arena Show', 'Atomic Power', 'BebeBoeing', 'Bell Ringer', 'Blushing Beauty', 'Center Glow', 'Century Twenty-One', 'Chippitica', 'Classic Lady', 'Corduroy And Lace', 'Cotlet', 'Dawnbreaker', 'Elizabeth DeWitz', 'Finery', 'Flaming Beard', 'Fleur Adore', 'Fluted Glory', 'Fluted Lime', 'Glitter Glow', 'Go Go Girl'. 'Golden Flash', 'Green Tinge', 'Gypsy Senorita', 'Horned Sunshine', 'Hot Lips', , 'Inky Bluebeard', 'Irish Delight', 'Joy Ride', 'Keno', 'Kick Off', 'Lace Galore', 'Laced Gold', 'Lacy Orchid', 'Lacy Surprise', 'Lake Chelan', 'Lavender Sails', 'Lemon Meringue', 'Lilac Parade', 'Lines of Beauty', 'Lotta Charm', 'Love It', 'Lucky Lady', 'Lucky Number', 'Magicolor', 'Minstrel Show', 'Organ Music', 'Over Due', 'Paola', 'Picture Pretty', 'Pin Up Girl', 'Pink Mauve Mohr', 'Pink Plic', 'Plicata Lace', 'Power And Glory', 'Pride of Ireland', 'Quiet Charm', 'Roses In Snow', 'Royalty Velvet', 'Sandberry', 'Sapphire Sea', 'Sentry', 'Seventeen', 'Skookum', 'Something Else', 'Spring Love', 'Striped Butterfly', 'Sun Festival', 'Sunset Scene', 'Sweet Lilani', 'Symphonette', 'Ultrapoise', 'Wenatchee', 'Wenatchee Kid', 'Wenatchee Skies', 'Wenatchee Valley', 'Whispering Bells', 'White Crinoline', 'Wind Rhythm', 'Yellow Gold', 'Yes Sir'.

¹Find a Grave, database and images ( : accessed 03 April 2020), memorial page for Luella Gladys DeWitz Noyd (29 Oct 1903–21 Sep 1980), Find a Grave Memorial no. 60985646, citing Wenatchee City Cemetery, Wenatchee, Chelan County, Washington, USA ; Maintained by ReconnectNow (contributor 47291893) .

-- BobPries - 2012-05-18
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
NoydsIrisGarden1960Intros.jpgjpg NoydsIrisGarden1960Intros.jpg manage 158 K 04 Jan 2019 - 16:43 DavidPotembski AIS Bulletin 158(July 1960): 105. Advertisement
WalterLouellaNoyd1960.jpgjpg WalterLouellaNoyd1960.jpg manage 31 K 04 Jan 2019 - 16:50 DavidPotembski AIS Bulletin 158(July 1960): 74. Walter Noyd, Wenatchee; his wife, Louella Noyd, iris hybridizer; Columbia Basin Iris Society meeting. Photo courtesy of Quincy Valley Post-Register
Topic revision: r26 - 03 Apr 2020, DavidPotembski
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