Dave Niswonger.jpg

Hybridizer O. David Niswonger(1925-2022)

Cape Girardeau, Missouri, USA

David Niswonger is a hybridizer from Cape Girardeau, MO who has over 400 iris introductions. He served as President of The American Iris Society. He was the selector for Eugene Buckles' 'Brown Lasso', which was the first Median Dykes Medal winner in 1981. He is the recipient of the Dykes Medal for the TB 'Everything Plus' in 1991, the Knowlton Medal for BB 'Marmalade Skies' in 1984 and the Nies Medal for Spurias 'Cinnamon Stick', 1995; 'Chocolate Fudge', 1996; 'Missouri Rivers', 1998; 'Sultan's Sash', 1999; 'Missouri Springs, 2001; 'Sunrise In Missouri', 2002; 'Missouri Sunset', 2003; 'Missouri Rainbows', 2004; 'Missouri Iron Ore', 2005, 'Adriatic Blue, 2006, 'Missouri Orange, 2007, 'Missouri Autumn, 2009; 'Missouri Dreamland, 2010, 'Missouri Orchid', 2013. He received the Bennett C. Jones Award for Outstanding Median Hybridizing in 2008 from the Median Iris Society. You can see the MIS summary of his contributions here on their website.

Sources: http://www.spuriairis.com/dave_niswonger.htm which is no longer online. See instead the Wayback Machine entry: https://web.archive.org/web/20110726163346/http://www.spuriairis.com/dave_niswonger.htm.
Also see: "Créateurs d'iris : David O. Niswonger" in IRIS et BULBEUSES: n°172, 2022, pp. 16-17.

Registrations and Introductions

I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Dave Niswonger.jpgjpg Dave Niswonger.jpg manage 65 K 17 Feb 2018 - 14:16 DavidPotembski Photo scanned from AIS Bulletin #237(April 1980): 39.
DaveNiswonger.pngpng DaveNiswonger.png manage 178 K 17 Feb 2016 - 22:32 UnknownUser Dave Niswonger from Irises Bulletin July 2007 p 22
Topic revision: r38 - 04 Nov 2023, AlainFranco
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